Thursday 1 January 1998

List of Books Read 1998

Books Read 1998

Bible - New American Standard Bible
The Highland Clans - L.G. Pine
Callahan's Legacy - Spider Robinson
Christian Basics - Dorthy & Gabrial Fackre
Out of the Silent Planet - C.S. Lewis
I Will Lay My Burdens Down - Martha Ortega
Devotional Talks on Christian Commitment - Tomothy Moody
The $1000000 Pound Note - Mark Twain
Perelandra (Voyage to Venus) - C.S. Lewis
Come Before Winter - Chuck Swindoll
How to Share your Faith Without Being Offensive - Joyce Neville
An Alien At Saint Wilfred's - Adrian Plass
Sacrid Diary of Adrian Plass Aged 37 3/4 - Adrian Plass
That Hideous Strenght - C.S. Lewis
The Secret: How to Lie with Purpose & Power - Bill Bright
The Dark Tower- C.S. Lewis
The Man Born Blind - C.S. Lewis
The Shoddy Lands - C.S. Lewis
Ministering Angels - C.S. Lewis
Forms of the Unknown - C.S. Lewis
After 10 Years - C.S. Lewis
The 12th Door - Richard F. Miniter
Evil & Good - C.S. Lewis
Miracles - C.S. Lewis
This Anglican Church of Ours - Patricia Bays
Mariette in Ecstasy - Ron Hansen
The Belonging Kind - William Gibson
Johnny Mnemonic - William Gibson
Fragments of a Holograham Rose - William Gibson
The Crow: Lazarus Heart -Poppe Z. Brite
The Crow: Quote the Crow - David Bischoff
Preface to the Study of Paul -Stephen Westerholm
Where Flesh Meets Spirit - Elaine Shephard
Selected Poems - R. S. Thomas
The Knotty Book - Brian Dench
Elizabeth Jennings A Portrait - Michael W. Higgins
Selected Poems - Elizabeth Jennings
RS Thomas Marginal Lond - Elaine Shepherd
Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander - Thomas Merton
Paul's Narrative Thought World - Ben Witherington III
How Green Is My Curate - Fred Secombe
A Curate for All Seasons - Fred Secombe
An Interrupted Life - Ettie Hillesum
Goodbye Curate - Fred Secombe
Challange - Mark Link S.J.
The Accident - Elie Wiesel
Dawn - Elie Wiesel
Night - Elie Wiesel
The Singer - Calvin Miller
The Song - Calvin Miller
The Finale - Calvin Miller
Greater Health God's Way - Stormie Omartin
The Cloister Walk - Kathlene Norris
The Crow: Clash By Night - Chet Williamson
A Grief Observed - C.S. Lewis
The Confessions of Saint Patrick - St. Patrick
Letter to Coroticus -St. Patrick
Patrick's Lorcia - St. Patrick
The Rule of St. Benedict - St. Benedict
How to get Better Grades and Have more Fun - Steve Douglas & Al Jansen
Knowing the Will of God: Expieriencing God - Blackaby & King
Hinds Feet on High Places - hannah Hurnard
Angel Fire - Andrew M. Greeley
Tales of a Magic Monastery - Theophane the Monk
The Bishop at Sea - Andrew M. Greeley
The Closing of the American Mind - Allan Bloom
A Comedy of Clerical Errors - Fred Secombe
How to Read Church History Vol #1 - Jean Comby
How to Read Church History Vol #2 - Jean Comby
Heretic Blood - Michael W. Higgins
The Making and Remaking of Thomas Merton - Michael W. Higgins
Soul Harvest - Tim Lehaey & Jerry B. Jenkins
Happy are the Oppressed - Andrew M. Greeley

I started keeping track of the books I finished reading in October of 1995, and movies watched in January of 1996. I have lists for:
All Books Read by Year
Favorite Books By Year
All Movies and TV Series Watched by Year
Favorite Movies and TV Series by Year

I also do a Top Ten List of books each quarter and for the year. They can be found here. I was also asked to pick a Top Ten Catholic Books I have read, you can find that list here (and occasionally I add a note when I come across something exceptional.)

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