Bible - New Jerusalem Bible The Road from Damascus - Richard N. Longnecker Fellowship of the Ring - JRR Tolkien The Two Towers - JRR Tolkien Return of the King - JRR Tolkien On Farie Stories - JRR Tolkien Mythopoeia - JRR Tolkien The Homecoming of Beorthnoth - JRR Tolkien Surprised by Joy - C.S. Lewis In the Name of Jesus - Henry Nouwen The Magic Cup - Andrew M. Greeley A Mon Swimming - Malachy McCourt JRR Tolkien - Michael Coren
Favorite Movies and TV Shows
2001 PayBack John
Vampires Boondock
Saints Mask
Zerro Jesus
Montreal Harley
& The Marboro Man The
of One 13th
Warrior Ghost
the Darkness Last
of Christ Amadeus Hackers Shadowlands Joan
Arc I started keeping track of the books I finished reading in October of 1995, and movies watched in January of 1996. I have lists for: All Books Read by Year Favorite Books By Year All Movies and TV Series Watched by Year Favorite Movies and TV Series by Year I also do a Top Ten List of books each quarter and for the year. They can be found here. I was also asked to pick a Top Ten Catholic Books I have read, you can find that list here (and occasionally I add a note when I come across something exceptional.)
Movies and TV Shows Watched 2001 Boondock
Saints Star Wars American Beauty Empire Strikes Back You Only Live twice The Spy XMen XMen Mask of Zoro Gladiator Legend Hang em High Geronimo The World is not Enough Hackers Road Warrior Waterboy Living Daylights Art of War Bedazzled Left Behind Pay Back Shadowlands Blade Tomorrow Never Dies ANTZ Starship Troopers:
Roughneck Chronicles Cliffhanger Fallen Angel Coyote Ugly Black Mask 6th Day Hackers Chicken Run Remember the Titans Joan of Arc Dune The Last Boyscout Payback Vampires Boondock Saints The Rock Mask of Zorro MI2 Malcolm X Ghandi Jesus of Montreal Kundun The Mummy Returns On Her Magesty's Secret
Service Unbreakable Verical Limit Last Boyscout Thomas Crown Affair Space Cowboys XMen the 7th Seal the Mission Leathal Weapon Rush Hour Gone in 60 seconds Dune Harley Davidson & The
marboro Man The Power of One Planet of the Apes Shreck Exit Wounds A Knights Tale Unbreakable The Crow Salvation 13th Warrior Ghost in te Darkness Lord of the Rings -
Fellowship of the Ring Grinch Lord of the Rings -
Fellowship of the Ring The Sweater Last Temptation of Christ Amadeus I started keeping track of the books I finished reading in October of 1995, and movies watched in January of 1996. I have lists for: All Books Read by Year Favorite Books By Year All Movies and TV Series Watched by Year Favorite Movies and TV Series by Year I also do a Top Ten List of books each quarter and for the year. They can be found here. I was also asked to pick a Top Ten Catholic Books I have read, you can find that list here (and occasionally I add a note when I come across something exceptional.)