Wednesday 1 February 2006

Opus Dei

Over the last few years I have been hearing more and more about Opus Dei. Especially the bad light that Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code has shed on this organization. A number of years ago at Queen’s University I knew some people who were involved with the organization and I had nothing but respect and trust for this couple.

So in light of the recent proliferation of material both for and against Opus Dei, I have decided to do my own research. There are books against and for Opus Dei, and websites galore on both sides.

I decided that my research should return to the beginning. So I have been working my way through the complete works of Josemaria Escriva the founder of Opus Dei. (The Centennial Edition collects together St. Josemaría Escrivá's complete published works in honor of his canonization and the one hundredth anniversary of his birth. This set is essential for libraries and perfect for individuals seeking trustworthy guidance on how to follow Christ in every detail of their daily lives.

The Centennial Edition contains the complete texts of St. Josemaría's much-beloved books of aphoristic wisdom: The Way, Furrow, and The Forge. Also included are his three books of homilies: Christ is Passing By, Friends of God, and In Love with the Church. Lovers of St. Josemaría's writings will particularly cherish his two devotional guides, The Way of the Cross and Holy Rosary, and the hard-to-find collection of the saint's illuminating interviews about the nature and purpose of Opus Dei, Conversations with Josemaría Escrivá.) As well as working through In Conversation With God the devotional readings encouraged to members of Opus Dei written by Francis Fernandez. This devotional series of seven volume’s had readings that follow the Common Liturgy It has a 6 or 7 page a day reading for each day of the church year and volume’s #6 and #7 are the special feasts that have calendar days.

I am now working through Michael Walsh’s Opus Dei: An Investigation Into The Powerful, Secretive Society Within The Catholic Church and John L. Allen JR.’s new book Opus Dei: An Objective look Behind the Myths and Reality of the Most Controversial Force in the Catholic Church.

I have not come to any final conclusions yet, but I can only say that I do not understand what all the controversy is really about. From the Escriva books I have read and the month’s devotionals I have read so far, I only see a faith that is true and strong being encourage. A Faith that challenges one not to remain the same, but to ever be striving for more.

Don’t trust all the rumors check it out for yourself.

This Article is continued as Opus Dei Part II!

(For more reviews of Opus Dei books or books by Opus Dei Authors and authors they encourage a person to read. 01... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10... 11... 12... 13... 14... 15... 16... these reviews include the works of Josemaria Escriva, The Pope's, Peter Kreeft, Scott Hahn and many others.)

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