Monday 10 July 2006

Successful Fathers by: James B. Stenson

Successful Fathers: 
The Subtle But Powerful Ways Fathers Mold their Children’s Characters 
James B. Stenson 
Scepter Press 
ISBN 1889334375 

  This little booklet is packed full of useful information. It is a treasure trove of gems for all fathers to become better at parenting, to learn the importance of their role in the home and in the formation of their children’s lives. Stenson, a successful educator and speaker around the world on this topic, gives readers of this volume a number of guides, suggestions and hints on how to be the type of parent and, specifically, the Father you want to be. Stenson is the author of 9 books on parenting and two of them specifically address the roles and responsibilities of fathers. Stenson also has a website that has a number of articles you can download to supplement his book and your quest to be the father you really want to be. Stenson states in the introduction: “Though dozens of books devoted themselves to the mother-child relationship in children’s upbringing, hardly any emphasized the role of the father.” p.5 Then: “Increasingly, therefore, specialists have been studying the subtle but powerful ways by which fathers form their children’s character, often unwittingly.” p. 6 Stenson gives sound advice and will help you to grow to become the man you want to be for your children. Here is a list of great Quotes from the book to give you a sampling of its wisdom:
  • The greatest challenge a man can face, by far, is that of raising his children well. Without exaggeration, it can be said that his success or failure at this constitutes his success or failure in life.
  • In my experience, many fathers today are unaware that there is a problem – that, without intending it at all, they are failing to exercise the moral leadership that their families need.
  • Whether we call them virtues or simply strengths of character, they comprise the essence of what we admire most in people – strong character.
  • In homes where each parent respects the other’s authority, the children grow to respect the authority of each parent proportionally.
  • Both parents, mother and father, have given their children lifelong strengths of character and conscience, and thus their job is done. This is, after all, what family life – throughout history and around the world – really is about.
  • Everyone in the family understood that the children’s cooperation – that is, their obedience to their parent’s direction – was essential, demanded, and expected.
  • Parents did not think overmuch about the children’s eventual careers. Rather, they thought in terms of their children’s future character.
  • The home was a place of social and intellectual activity; people talked, read, played, worked, and prayed together. Limited financial resources meant that family members budgeted carefully, waited, earned, improvised, or learned to do without.
  • Consequently, successful fathers are not afraid of being unpopular. Their love for their children and their commitment to the children’s long-term best interests – these are strong enough to override the kids’ bruised feelings and their occasional reluctance to do the right.
These nine quotes give you a sampling. Pick up the book you will become a better father, even if you are already a good father there will be new things you can learn.

Books by James B. Stenson:
Father, The Family Protector
Compass: A Handbook on Parent Leadership
Lifeline: The Religious Upbringing of Your Children
To Be a Man: Life Lessons for Young Men
Preparing for Adolescence: A Planning Guide for Parents
Upbringing: A Discussion Handbook for Parents of Young Children
Preparing for Peer Pressure: A Guide for Parents of Young Children
Anchor: God's Promises of Hope to Parents

Spanish Editions:
Filhos: quando educá-los?
Un papa a todo dar
Pais bem-sucedidos

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