Sunday 12 November 2006

Jacob's Journey by: Noah benShea

Jacob's Journey:Wisdom to Find the Way, Strength to Carry On
Noah benShea
ISBN 0345377990

This is a great sequel to the original Jacob the Baker. Jacob has found that he cannot be himself in his hometown so he must go on a journey. He sets out alone and ends up meeting many along the road, some whom he helps and some who help him to understand himself.

This book is filled with just as much wisdom as the original, though not in the short
snippets found in the first book. This story has the wisdom woven into the narrative form. But no matter how far Jacob traveled, his wisdom was there with him and others would find it. "Late that night, stories of what the parents had asked and what Joseph's guest had answered were whispered from door to door. Rumors ran like the river that flowed through the village. Tales were told about the stranger named Jacob." p. 67 Eventually, the rumors of Jacob's wisdom get back to his hometown.

Samuel his good friend comes to find him, but will Jacob return home?
Jacob the Baker, Jacob's Journey and Jacob's Ladder.Author Profile interview with Noah benShea.

Books by Noah Ben Shea:
Jacob Series:

Other Books:
The Journey to Greatness and How to Get There
A Compass for Healing
A Compass for the Classroom
Great Quotes to Inspire Great Teachers
Great Jewish Quotes
Inspire, Enlighten & Motivate
The Word: Jewish Wisdom Through Time
What Every Principal Would Like To Say … And What To Say
A World Of Ways To Say I Do: Wedding Vows, Readings, Poems, and Customs from Different Traditions and Cultures
Remember This My Children
Dear Mom
Dear Mom 2nd Edition
Dear Dad
Deae Dad 2nd Edition
Dear Teacher
Dear Friend
Prayer for Your Newborn

Author Profile interview with Noah benShea.

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