Saturday 20 January 2007

2 New Publications

New publications.

I have had articles picked up by two new publications, which now gives me 6 publications that I have been published in, in under two years. In the January 14th-19th issue of the National Catholic Register, just published my review of The Fulfillment of All Desire: A Guidebook for the Journey to God Based on the Wisdom of the Saints by Ralph Martin. And the January/February issue of Beyond Ordinary Living reprinted my review of Religious Nuts Political Fanatics: U2 in Theological Perspective by Robert Vagacs. Here is the list of all the publications I have written for.

Imprint - The University of Waterloo Paper
St. Anthony Messenger - A Catholic Magazine
National Catholic Register - A Catholic Newspaper
Beyond Ordinary Living
The Record - Kitchener Waterloo's Loacal Paper
Across the Creek - SJU Student Union Paper

So in under two years I have published over 75 book reviews in 6 publications. I do not see any end soon. Thanks for coming by and checking out my reviews. And for all of you who have encouraged me in my writing, and overcoming my dyslexia to become a published writer, many thanks.

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