Monday 12 March 2007

The blogs I Read

Why do I read the blogs I read? That is a question I have been pondering lately. For the longest time I only read a few blogs and them seldom, The first two I read with any consistency were Esgaroth's Journal - Alan and Kathy Shaidle - Relapsed Catholic but I read them seldom and spent a long time catching up when I did get around to checking them. But then I switched to using Thunderbird as my mail program and started subscribing to blog feeds. And my list had been growing since.

Esgaroth is great in that Alan is blogging a book and now posts expand the story from time to time. Kathy's is always great.

I tend to add blogs quickly and to remove them slowly. I usually only remove a blog if it's content becomes objectionable. The last blg I removed was because the author called themself a 'Traditional Catholic' and he constandtly started dising both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. I find blogs through from a variety of sources:
and from the blog rolls from the blogs I already read. Every now and again I go through the blog roll of the blogs I read and check out what they read.

I break the blogs I read into a few categories they are:
Catholic Blogs
A Catholic Journey
Amateur Catholic - The B-Team
Approved Apparatins
Blazing Cat Fur
Cafateria Catholic
Canadian Opus Dei
Cardinal Sean's Blog
Caritas Christi Urget Nos
Catholic and Enjoying It!
Catholic Board
Catholic Catechism Dialog
Catholic Ragemonkey
Catholicism Holiness and Spirituality
Crux of the Matter
Curt Jester
Daily Mass Readings Podcast
Dappled Things
Fr. Richard Rego
Fr. William P. Hahn
Godzdogz - The English Dominican Studentate
God's Body - Matthew Lickona
God's Wonderful Love
Heirs in Hope
Hermeneutic of Continuity
Imago Dei
Irish Catholic and Dangerous
Kissing The Face Of God
la nouvelle theologie
Living Christ's Eucharist in Your Daily Life
Marian Devotion
Michael Dubruiel
Once upon a time in opus dei
One Monk of the Order of St. Benedict
Open Book - Amy Welborn
Opus Dei Blogs
Opus Dei Facts
Profound Gratitude
Real Life Rosary
Relapsed Catholic
Saint of the Day Quote
Sister Allie's Schtick!
So Many Devotions...So Little Time
Some Have Hats
Spiritual Warfare
St. Blogs Parish
St. Peter's Helper
Standing on My Head
Swept Over
The Adventures of a Techie Nun
The Anchoress
The Cafeteria is Closed
The Catholic Witness
The Good News
The Ironic Catholic
The Shrine of the Holy Whapping
The Southern Catholic
The Truth Will Make You Free
Understanding The Scriptures - The Catholic Board
Universalis - Daily Liturgy
Upper Canada Catholic
Vert - Catholic Converts and Reverts
Video meliora, proboque; Deteriora sequor
Whispers in the Loggia
Young Fogeys

Friends Blogs
Batmoo's Photo's - Mo Jandga
Bics, Blahniks, and Bras - Ashley
Book Reviews and More
Brendan Pinto's Space
Brendan Pinto's Xanga
Casing The Joint - Em
Christine O.
Church History - D. Gray
Crazed Ninjas Anonymous - Brahm
Divine Serendipity - Ellen
Esgaroth's Journal - Alan
Everyone's a friggin' critic - Jacqueline McKoy
Grace 2 You - Jen
I am an Ephesian's Dream - Tara
Java & Jesus - Denis Gray
Kat de jour
Kat for Christ
Liberdei - Justan Chan
Life to the Full - Jim Best
Mathematical Playground - Rob
McEvoy's Musings
Mitch McEvoy
Mr. Shabby's Pantry - Darren Hutz
Myriad Shades of Gray - Dennis Gray
New Hope Community Church
Still Waking Up - Craig Martin
Sustainability is step one- Darcy Higgins
That Typing - Shivaun
The Carioni's Adopt
The Corch - Keith Little
The Green Window - Margaret Mansell
Tim B's Blog
Timmyson of the Physics Brigade
Valacosa's Thoughts - Michael L. Davenport

Book & Author Blogs
Coffee Em - Emma Bull
Daily Eudemon
Kathy Shaidle - Relapsed Catholic
Neil Gaiman
Noah benShea
Podworld Exploring Self Publishing
Robery J. Sawyer - Scifi Writer
Robin Sharma
Sci Fi Catholic
Shelly's Book Shelf
Steven K.Z. Brust
Ted Dekker
Thursday Night Gumbo
Warrior of Light - Paulo Coelho
Warrior of Light Blog - Paulo Coelho

Misc Blogs
Davinci Code - Opus Dei
In Tech We Trust
Pernell Goodyear
Rocky Balboa Production Blog
S. William Shaw
The Scotch Blog

(At least as of this date, check the sidebar for changes. I updated this post to use the actual links and not the Java-script from Blogrolling so that it will be hard links.)

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