Saturday 3 March 2007

New Features

I have noticed many changes in my life since I became a father last fall. First I pray far more than I ever used to, I find myself praying again and again through out the day. Praying for my daughter, for health, safety, faith. Praying for me to be a better father and husband, and for friends and family.

I have also found that my reading has gone down. Last year I averaged about 4 books
a week, and now I am only finishing about a book a week, maybe a book and a half. I always have 20 to 50 books on the go, all in different stages of being read and reviewed. Some books I pick up and devour in a day or two. Others take months, and some I eventually decided are not worth finishing. With hat in mind I am going to start some new features on the blog:

1. Quotes of the Week
2. Some of this Weeks Readings.
3. The Blogs I Read

I will try and post a list of quotes each week based upon some of that week's readings, and I will try and post some comments on what I am currently reading and what I think of it at hat stage of the game. The final feature will profile the blogs I read in no specific order and why I read that blog.

The 3 pictures are in order: My Desk and the books on the Go, next my coffee table and more books on the go, and finally my current bookshelves. Books on the top of the coffee table are currently being read. Books on the desk are books I want to get to. And books in the side of the coffee table are books that I have started and put aside for now, or books I want to start but are not a top priority.

I used to joke with my wife that there are two types of books. 1 Those I have read, and 2 those I have not. Or books I own and those I don't. (I now no longer want to own all the books I read or have read. I have sold over 1600 books since I got engaged, some to make room, some at times out of need. But it is always hard to part with books for some books are great friends.

So that is my long rambling introduction to the new features I hope to create for this blog.

If you have any feedback or comments let me know what you think.

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