Thursday 17 May 2007

Meme - About Me

I was tagged by Jayne at So Many Devotions with the About Me Meme. It has been a busy couple of days so it is late but here goes:

1. Male or Female:

2. Married or Single or Religious:

3. Dream vacation:
Personal: Antartica, or a great desert.
Family: Ireland and Scotland to visit site's from my family's past.

4. Birthplace:
Kingston, Ontario, Archdiocese of Kingston.

5. Area I live in currently:

6. Someone you wish you could meet:

7. Biggest "pet-peeve":
Drivers who don't signal turn's or lane changes.

8. Favorite Religious devotion:
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament or The Stations of the Cross.

9. Favorite Saint (besides the Blessed Mother):
Reciently St. Josemaria Escriva, since I was a teen Alphonsus Mary de' Liguori.

10. Favorite sport that you play:
Hockey, Rugby.

11. Favorite food:

12. Tridentine or Novus Ordo:
I dont know latin and was born post Vatican 2.

13. Would you (or are you) home schooling or public school:
Were talking about home schooling, but if not we have a Catholic School System in Ontario.

14. How many kids do you have:
Abby is 8 Months, and one on the way.

15. Ever been in an auto accident:
I have been hit while riding a bike a number of times. And a few Car accidents when i was a child. I have never been driving during one.

16. Ever seen a Pope in person:

17. Languages that you know fluently:
English. French.

18. Last movie you saw in theatres:
The Reaping.

19. Favorite Blog:
Almost anything on my blog roll. If I didnt like it It would not be there.

20. Your thoughts on Barney, the Easter bunny, and Santa Claus: I really don't mind Barney. Barney and Sponge Bob are the only 2 shows on the Kids channel I dont let Abby watch. Havent got to the others yet.

My other blog Book Reviews and More has all the non mem posts from here and also general fiction and general book articles. I also post cover art with all reviews.

I wont tag anyone specific but if you want to play post a comment or link back.

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