Monday 21 May 2007

Meme: A Book Meme

Catholic Mom has posted this book meme.

How many books do you own?

Around 1300 at the moment, less than recent past I purge about once a year.

Book(s) I am reading now:

1.Sherman Oak and the Magic Potato - S. William Shaw
2. Memorize the Faith - Kevin Vost, PSY.D.
3. Searching for Meaning and Peace - Fr. Jacques Philippe
4. In Conversation With God Volume #2 - Francis Fernandez
5. Morte D'Urban - J.F. Powers

… plus about 20 others. All the books in the coffee table are on the go.

Books I've read recently:

1.Socrates Meets Jesus - Peter Kreeft
2.The Sea Within - Peter Kreeft
3.The Witch of Portobello - Paulo Coelho
4.The Singer - Calvin Miller
5. The Way - St. Josemaria Escriva

Five Books That Mean a Lot to Me:

1. My Bible
2. Space Trilogy - C.S. Lewis
3. Wheat the Springeth Green - J.F. Powers
4. Wizard of Earthsea - Ursula K. LeGuin
5. An Unacceptable Time - Madeleine L'Engle

This was fun! Instead of tagging, I will just invite anyone else who would like to play to post a link to your answers in the comment box so we can all take a look. Yet it would be nice to Shelly's answers at Shelly's Bookshelf.

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