Tuesday 17 July 2007

Catholic Carnival 128

It is my turn to host the carnival again, it is both an honour and a privilege to be able to host it. A lot of writing in the blogsphere lately has been around the Summorum Pontificum & Motu Proprio, that proliferation is evident is this weeks carnival. To all who have contributed, Thanks! To those who yet have, please join in the fun.

To begin Matthew S at Play the Dad? Be the Dad! gives us "Something to chew on....."

Next at 50 Days After we have an artilce called "A Soldier's Best Weapon" about the Rosary as a spiritual weapon.

Then on over to have a look at a link to 'a recent talk given in Rome looks at the limits of historial method of studying Jesus' over at Kicking Over My Traces.

Further along our journey we encounter Ebeth at A Catholic Mom climbing the Pillars, who shares with us 'A Word about Reading lists'

CatholicLand! reminds us that "Time flies" SWP offers his two cents on the Motu Proprio and what it means for intra-faith dialogue.

Then we journey with Eric as he shares a number of posts about the Summorum Pontificum. With him we hop once, twice and three times.

Slowing down to look at the roses. Kevin at HMS Blog talks to us about "God's Law In Our Hearts" a reflection on the Mass readings for Sunday 7/15, focusing on God’s law as in harmony with, but also requiring conversion of, our hearts.

After slowing down to reflect with Kevin, Sarah reminds us How My Garden Does Grow! The garden outside is blooming with flowers and busy with bees, and the garden inside includes an active toddler and the joys of my life. From her blog in just another day of Catholic pondering.

RobK writing from Kyrie Eleison in his first submission to the Carnival picks a post about Pope Benedict comparing him to a Modern day Ezra & Nehemiah. He states "the article is about how the recent releases from the Vatican, the moto proprio and the document from the doctrine of the faith, along with some of the negative reaction from outsiders casts the Pope as a modern Nehemiah and Ezra".

With a hop across the pond we have Tom O'Toole from Fighting Irish Thomas with a post about Friday the 13th and the Horror Show Headlines! (Almost explains why us Irish are prone to partake of the drink.)

Next still on the green isle we have Jim Martorana at Friends of Fighting Irish Thomas with a post called "Gifts from the Bridegroom".

From the Blog 'You a prayerful conversation" we have an excellent reflection on Bad Theology. Are you an object or a person? Is God an object or a person? Does God see you as an object or a person? Do you use objects or persons? Do you use people? Does God use people? Depending on your answer, it can lead one into bad theology as described in a quote by Paul Tillich from his book -The Courage to Be-, a theology that is all to common and rejected by most atheists. Their short reflection follows.

Jumping back across the Atlantic we have Christine Schult at The World...IMHO writing about the U.S. bishop defends bishops' right to rebuke pro-abortion politicians.

Then swinging south to Hollywood we encounter The B-Movie Catechism. This week The B-Movie Catechism takes a look at Ron Ormond's 1953 stink fest Mesa Of Lost Women and asks the question, "Can filming something this awful be considered an act of evil?"

Heidi at Streams of Mercy shares with us about the Courage to Be Catholic and shares about lunch with Elisabeth Elliot (Thomas Howard's sister) and review of his latest book, "The Night Is Far Spent.

At Catholic Fire Jean shares about how It Sure is Hard Finding Help Killing Babies Nowadays! In writing about late - term abortionist George Tiller has his hands full these days - not only is he facing criminal charges for performing illegal late-term abortions, but he just can't seem to hire and retain help at his Wichita office anymore. Here's an easy way we can all let him know our concerns about his actions.

In a great post called "My Domestic Church: 5 tips on how not to to witness to Catholic Christians" Elena from My Domestic Church shares about how after spending considerable time debating and discussing with our Protestant sisters in the blogosphere, I thought I would submit an article with tips on how they could better "witness" to us Catholics!

Returning to Rome and the Moto Jay at Living Catholicism writes about "The Return of the Latin Mass" He states 'Just my thoughts on the “return” of the Latin Mass.' But as we all know with Jay it is never a "just" and always worth a read!

Sticking to Rome & Jay then writes to us from Deo Omnis Gloria "Did Pope Benedict XVI really reassert that other Christian denominations are not true churches?" In that he analyzes what the newest Church document Responses to Some Questions Regarding Certain Aspects of the Doctrine on the Church really says about protestant denominations.

Last but not least Joseph from Ho Kai Paulos ask some hard questions in "Paying the Price" An article that talks about the price to be paid for getting to live a Christian life and seeing it as a privilege.

Then my own submission, I know I have been pushing FR. Jacques Philippe books lately. When I find an author I like I tend to read everything they have written. Only 4 of Fr. Philippe's books have been translated into English. Part of me dopes not want to read the fourth so I still have something left to read, and part is itching to read it. Last week I published a review of his third book I have read this year Interior Freedom in my University Newspaper. His prose are easy to read yet deep and rich in meaning and application. His books are some of my most treasured and those I try and lend out most often currently. (In fact I have not read the fourth because it is lent out.

Thanks for sticking with the journey through the blogsphere in this weeks Catholic Carnival. Maybe we will be stopping by your place for a post or to see you host soon!

Mea Culpa to Donna Marie for not promoting last weeks Catholic Carnival 127 the "Summer Mothering" theme for not promoting it earlier. It's been a rough few weeks.

Check out the Catholic Carnival submission form complete with screenshots in this post: BlogCarnival.com Submission form.

Or join the Google group to be made aware of call for submissions and when new Carnivals are up and where they are up.

The Catholic Carnival FAQ.

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