Tuesday 8 January 2008

Meme Booked by 3 - January 2008 - Best of 2007

Meme Booked by 3 - January From Shelly's Bookshelf!

1. List up to 3 books you read in 2007 that you loved.

Searching for and Maintaining Peace: A Small Treatise on Peace of Heart - Fr. Jacques Philippe
Twisted - Laurie Halse Anderson
Sherman Oak and the Magic Potato - S. William Shaw

2. List up to 3 books you read in 2007 that were disappointments.

Their Kingdom Come: Inside The Secret World of Opus Dei - Robert Hutchison
You Suck: A Love Story - Christopher Moore
The Sea Within: Waves and the Meaning of All Things - Peter Kreeft

3. List up to 3 authors you discovered in 2007 you definitely will put on your Must Read list.

S. William Shaw
Dr. Kevin Vost
Fr. Jacques Philippe

Answer in the comments or leave a link to your answers, please. I'm looking forward to seeing what you list. You can also see my complete list of books read by year here, favorite books each year here and favorite authors here.

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