Wednesday 2 January 2008

New Year's Resolutions 2008

New Year's Resolutions 2008

As I stated last year in my post on new year's resolutions, it is not a tradition I have been in the habit of keeping. I do however want to reflect on the last year or few years. It has been a strange ride over the last 2 and a half years. In quick summary format:

Just over 2 and a half years ago I took a construction job to
make more money over the summer to try and finish my schooling faster. After about 3 months I tore my rotator cuff. And spend more than 2 year recovering and looking for work I could do around my injury. For more than a year after the injury I went to physiotherapy 5 days a week. It helped keep the pain at bay and treated the symptoms but because of the location of the tear did not promote the healing that was needed. Then I had surgery, 6 weeks after my daughter Abby was born. I spent the next 10 weeks in a sling, not even able to hold my daughter except when she slept. After a year of physiotherapy 3 days a week, since the surgery they decided it was as good as it was going to get.
During this whole time I prayed and prayed for a job. I applied for over a hundred jobs, without a single interview. Last summer I started retaining through WSIB, I did my Microsoft Office Specialist Certifications for word, excel, access, powerpoint and outlook. I also took a course in business communications, Then in the fall I started my Network Specialist training, which comprised a number of certifications through both Microsoft and CompTIA.

I did have the privledge of donating bone marrow this year and writing a series of articles to promote the Unrelated Bone Marrow Donor Registry. Then in December it all started coming together, I have a job now I love. I am currently on contract which should roll into a fulltime position in March. We received a settlement for the injury. And tomorrow we are having a c-section and I will meet my son.
What does all of that have to do with New Year's Resolutions you might ask. A lot, in the last year I stopped journaling, and practically stopped praying. Even when I interviewed for this job I found it hard to pray for it because of all the disappointment over the last few years. My goals for this year are simpler then some in the past. I want to start journaling again. I wish to work out consistently again. I desire to drop the extra pounds I have gained since the injury. I want to be a person of prayer and hope again. During this past year I stopped using my accountability sheets I have been using for years. I have revamped it for this year and hope to use it to help find balance between body, mind and spirit. I want this to be a year of action and progress. Of real change!

"The Future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is."
C.S. Lewis

"Observe always that everything is the result of change, and get used to thinking that there is nothing Nature loves so well as to change existing forms and make new ones like them."
Marcus Aurelius

"Mere change is not growth. Growth is the synthesis of change and continuity, and where there is no continuity there is no growth."
C.S. Lewis

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