Tuesday 19 February 2008

Catholic Blog Awards 2008!

Catholic Blog Awards 2008! Nomination's are now open go and nominate your favorite blogs. It was much harder for me to pick this year. In part my blog reading had been reduced to about a quarter of what it was when I was off work. So with that being said here are my pick's this year are:

Best Overall Catholic Blog
Daily Eudemon Always interesting and informative, especially Friday's Brews you can use.

Best Designed Catholic Blog
A Catholic Mom Climbing the Pillars Great look and feel, nice design and layout.

Best Written Catholic Blog
Daily Eudemon Nothing more need be said.

Best New Catholic Blog
A Catholic Mom Climbing the Pillars Ebeth's writings are always a pleasure and often a challenge.

Best Individual Catholic Blog
Some Have Hats Profession writer, and blogger par excellence.

Best Group Blog
Catholic Dads great group of guys just trying to keep it real and figure it all out.

Best Blog by Clergy/Religious/Seminarian
The Adventures of a Techie Nun

Funniest Catholic Blog
Five Feet of Fury I miss Relapsed Catholic buy 5 Feet has a wider audience and broader voice.

Smartest Catholic Blog
The Carioni's Adopt friends who are blogging the journey to adoption, and being very vulnerable about fertility issues, faith, hope dreams and the desire to have a family.

Most Informative & Insightful Catholic Blog
Five Feet of Fury

Best Apologetic Blog
Canadian Opus Dei

Best Political/Social Commentary Catholic Blog
Tomorrow's Trust Social commentary on the state of Catholic schools, here at home in Ontario, across Canada and around the globe.

Best Insider News Catholic Blog
Tomorrow's Trust

Most Spiritual Blog
Real Life Rosary James thanks for being the man you are are sharing your journey with us.

My last year's Nominations are poster
here and the winners last year are here. There are a number of missed voices this year. a lot of blogs I miss reading that have gone dormant, or been pulled by the author. Jeff Vehige can still be found at Thursday Night Gumbo but I miss his theological blog and his science fiction one, I've had to watch 3 of his blogs go the way of the dodo. Rosary Knight who wrote at Souther Catholic, disappeared also. Catholic Rage Monkey and others are just to name a few of the blogs that have said goodbye this year. This years crop for the blog awards might be less because of the voices that went silent this past year. But enough with the mourning, go and nominate your favorite blogs and vote when the time comes.

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