Douglas Todd
ISBN 0773758321
I first encountered this book about a decade ago in a course called Faith Quests RS 100C. During the course of the term we had about a dozen books to read. From this volume each student had to select two of the people profiled and present a seminar using this book as the beginning point and doing further research. I personally loved the book, and read not only the profiles we needed to have prepared for seminars but the whole volume. I even gave away a few copies. The sad part is that the book is now out of print because Stoddart went under a few years ago.
Todd, a long time writer and columnist for the Vancouver Sun, created the book by doing a series of interviews and then crafting those pieces into this volume. He breaks the Participants into four categories: The Atheists, The Doubters, The New Ancients and Emerging Mystics. The people profiled in each group are:
The Atheists
- Mordeccai Richler
- W.P. Kinsella
- Bill Reid
- Jane Rule
- Robert Munsch
- John Irving
- Paul Verhoeven
- Laurence Gough
- Evelyn Lau
- Wade Davis
- Douglas Coupland
- Lynn Johnston
- Susan Aglukark
- Ann Copeland
- Tony Hillerman
- Robertson Davies
- Timothy Findley
- Peter C. Newman
- Robert Bly
- Robert Fulghum
- Sylvia Fraser
- Loreena McKennitt
- Farley Mowat
- Barry Lopez
- Nick Bantock
- Alex Coville
- Carol Shields
As an aside, the hand out from my seminar on Robert Fulghum and Evelyn Lau can be seen here. I also received bonus points because in my seminar I covered a great controversy between two of the authors profiled in the book. The controversy was between Evelyn Lau and W.P. Kinsella.
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