Sunday 4 January 2009

List of Favorite Movies 2009

Favorite Movies and TV Shows 2009

Life - Season 1, 2
IT Crowd - Season 1, 2, 3
House - Season 1, 2, 3, 4
Grand Torino
Fast & Furious
Battlestar Galactica - Caprica
Star Trek
The Skulls
Dexter - Season 4
Boston Legal

I started keeping track of the books I finished reading in October of 1995, and movies watched in January of 1996. I have lists for:
All Books Read by Year
Favorite Books By Year
All Movies and TV Series Watched by Year
Favorite Movies and TV Series by Year

I also do a Top Ten List of books each quarter and for the year. They can be found here. I was also asked to pick a Top Ten Catholic Books I have read, you can find that list here (and occasionally I add a note when I come across something exceptional.)

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