Monday 9 March 2009

Charlotte's Web by: E.B. White

Charlotte's Web
E.B. White

Various Editions

Having a dual form of dyslexia I did not learn to read until later in life. Thus I never read children's books while a child. Maybe that is why I read so many still today. I read this as part of a children's literature course in university.

It is an interesting book, about friendship, commitment, compassion, change and death. As such it deals with a lot of the big questions of life in ways a child can grasp.

For me the most moving part was when Wilber confessed to Charlotte that he did not like the thought of her as a blood sucker, towards the end of her life. Only true friends can be that open and honest.

The book is a powerful tale of true friendship and how our close friends can transform not only us but those around us.

(First written as Journal Reading Notes in 1999.)

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