Farm Animals Developing Reader Level 2 Wade Cooper Cartwheel Books An Imprint of Scholastic ISBN 9780545099936
The Leveled readers from Scholastic are a great way to introduce your child to reading. The levels are: Pre1: ABC's & First Words Level 1: Sight words, words to sound out and simple sentences. Level 2: New vocabulary and longer sentences. Level 3: Reading for inspiration and information. Each book has a level rating, a grade level, a reading level, a lexile level and a word count on the back.
This book Farm Animals has great photos of animals, and poems to help children remember. It has quiz pages to help test what has been learned. It is a great resource for parents looking to assist their children in developing their reading skills.
So far he has given away: "To give folks an idea of the scale of the “Gear To Get Your Butt In Gear” giveaways at this month, here’s a rough accounting (using MSRP)…
Total value of exam discounts (so far) = $11,950 Total value of books (so far) = $600 HTC Touch = $300 Windows 7 Ultimate = $320 MS Office 2007 Pro = $500 SMB Nation passes = $2000 For a GRAND TOTAL of $15,670!!"
Wow! Thanks for all the freebies. Chris Rue you rock! But take note time is limited on the 20% of Microsoft Learning is changing it and as of August 27th the discount will drop to 10% because the MCT rewards program is changing. Quick fill out the survey while you can.
What do you do when you discover you love something but most people do not understand it, or they think it is lame? Well if you're Hank Zipzer you try to hide it. It's the beginning of the 5th grade and Hank has joined the soccer team, but he's not very good, and does not really enjoy it. Then his grandfather takes him to a Ping-Pong Emporium, and not only does Hank like it, he can actually see some skill developing. But when he tries to feel out his friends on the subject of Ping-Pong they leave the impression it is lame, and the school bully McKelty mocks it the most. So he tries to hide his newfound love of the sport Ping-Pong.
Don't lose Your Shoes! Tie Them Instead! Elizabeth Mills (Author) Sarah Beise (Illustrator) Cartwheel Books An Imprint of Scholastic ISBN 9780545108577
This book should not only live up to its title, but be fun for children as they learn how to do so. The cover of the book actually has laces and you can lace and unlace the shoe on the cover and it has step by step instructions on how to tie shoes in a fun story. This is the story of Eric the monkey; he loves his new shoes but while at the playground he keeps having problems. First his shoes fly off on the monkey bars, then they get caught in the log bridge, and they get tangled in the rope ladder. But Eric has good friends and they help him, and in the end he can tie his shoes.
I have been debating for the past few weeks cleaning up my sidebar's some more. I wanted to archive my past blog award nominations, in appreciation for all who have nominated me and voted for me. Thank you. Over the last year my focus has again drifted from predominantly Catholic books and fiction to more general children s and teen literature. There will remain a Catholic focus just less of the reviews will be at least for a while. My reading trends are always up and down. I have also added a new section for health and fitness links and blogs. You will read more about that over the fall. Again thank you for the nominations and for reading.
Peek a Boo! Animal Babies Tim Bugbird Scholastic ISBN 9780545985451
These books just keep getting better and better. The kids loved them and when this one and Perfect Pets arrived in the mail the other day, they would not put them down. Again, this book includes great flaps and shapes and textures and is packed full of fun. We encounter a kitten, a bear, penguins, puppy and chicks. This book is great fun for you and your little ones.
Tim Bugbird has created some awesome children's books with this series. The books are:
Our last adventure found Hank making it out of the fourth grade but only if he attends summer school, to strengthen his academic skills. This book begins the first day of summer school. And while Hank will still get to walk to and from school with his best friends Ashley and Frankie, they were participating in the Junior Explorer's program and Hank was stuck back in the classroom with 10 other fourth and fifth graders. While he sits in class he can watch the junior explorers prepare for a luau.
Peek a Boo! Perfect Pets Tim Bugbird Scholastic ISBN 9780545985468
These books are great for young children. My kids love them and when this one and Animal Babies arrived in the mail the other day, they would not put them down. Again this book includes great flaps and shapes and textures and is packed full of fun. My only complaint is that all 4 books in the series have right hand flaps on the first 4 pages and a split flap on the last page. I would have liked to see more variety, top flap, bottom, or left. Yet even with that they are favorites of our children. This time we encounter a rabbit, a kitten, a pony, a puppy and all then all four together. This book is great fun for you and your little ones.
Tim Bugbird has created some awesome children's books with this series. The books are:
In this adventure Hank finally has had enough of Nick McKelty. The school bully has gone too far. During the school Halloween Parade, Nick mocks a kid in kindergarten, and makes everybody laugh at Hank but the topper is he mocks Hank's younger sister and her friend Robert. With the help of grandfather he comes up with a plan to create a haunted house and get revenge on McKelty. With the help of his best friends Ashley and Frankie, they set about transforming the family living room into a haunted house of horrors. They test it on two other schoolmates and McKelty arrives just before their parents close up shop. But will their plans and work really scare the school bully? You need to read this to find out.