Saturday 28 November 2009

Tony & the Kids - Tony Horton with Judi Williams

Tony & the Kids
Tony Horton with Judi Williams


After doing a round of P90X, and now doing P90X+, when I saw this video I wanted to pick it up for home. My daughter calls Plyometrics Daddy's dancing, but doesn't have the coordination or focus to do it or to do the X video. I think she is still a little young for this video, but might be ready soon. I did this workout and broke a light sweat. In many ways, Tony's persona is that of a big kid, both in his other series and in this video. There are some great moves for kids that include:

The Wild Horsey Ride
The Tony Shuffle
Wacky Jacks
Ride the Wave
The Dreya Roll
And more.

Tony has kids twisting, stretching, moving and grooving. The video will help children develop coordination, flexibility, strength and establish fitness habits. There is a bonus chat about nutrition and fitness between Tony and the kids at the end of the workout.

I am asked frequently if I am a Beachbody Coach, no I am not, I am just some one who has used their products, P90X, 1on1 with Tony Horton and more and liked them and achieved good results. I am not paid by Beachbody or any of their affiliates. You can see my full disclaimer here.)

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