Sunday 3 October 2010

Shark VS Train - Chris Barton & Tom Lichtenheld

Shark VS Train
Chris Barton & Tom Lichtenheld
Little Brown Young Readers
ISBN 9780316007627

I had heard a lot of hype about this book, on Facebook and Twitter. So I approached it with a little bit of hesitation. So many people were raving about it and I just did not get it. Yet when I read the book for the first time, I found it so wonderful I read it through a few times in a row. Two young boys go to the toy box to select toys for playtime, one a train the other a shark, then Shark and Train have battle after battle to see who is the best, strongest, fastest, smartest ... The adventures they have are fun, hilarious and extremely entertaining, as often only the imagination of a child can be. The book is well written and illustrated.


  1. Hi, this is Tom LIchtenheld, illustrator of Shark vs. Train. Thank you for your kind comments about our book. You can see more about it on my blog.

  2. Hi, this is Tom LIchtenheld, illustrator of Shark vs. Train. Thank you for commenting on our book. You can find a video, out-takes and more on my blog,

  3. Thanks Tom for the feedback. Here is a live link to your posts. Tom's info about the book.
