Tuesday 14 December 2010

Rain Is Not My Indian Name - Cynthia Leitich Smith

Rain Is Not My Indian Name
Cynthia Leitich Smith
Harper Collins
Browse Inside
ISBN 9780688173975

With the reading of this book I have now read all of Cynthia Leitich Smith's books in the last few months. All eight of the books are great in different ways, but this one has a depth that even the most casual of readers will find himself touched by the emotions portrayed in the story. Cassidy Rain Berghoff is learning to deal with loss - first the loss of her mother, and now the loss of her best friend. She barely leaves her home. But six months after the death of her best friend, things start to change. First her aunt Georgina is running an Indian Camp, and both her aunt and older brother want her to attend. But that is too much of a commitment for Rain. But she does take the job of capturing the camp on film for the local newspaper.

The story deals with such subjects as grief, death, and recovery; and it is a coming of age story through the process of loss. Rain must learn to find her voice again, either through her pictures or through the journal her aunt gave her and the campers to chronicle their experiences at camp. It is an amazing story and one I know I will read again and again, for myself and to my daughters.

Books by Cynthia Leitich Smith:

Young Adult Books:

Cat Calls - Short Story
Tantalize Kierens Story - Graphic Novel
Haunted Love - Short Story

Books for Kids:

Holler Loudly
Santa Knows
Indian Shoes
Rain Is Not My Indian Name
Jingle Dancer

Author Profile Interview with Cynthia Leitch Smith

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