Wednesday 23 November 2011

Circle The Truth - Pat Schmatz

Circle The Truth
Pat Schmatz
Carolrhoda Books
ISBN 9780822572688

Pat Schmatz is an author I discovered this year, and immediately she became one of my favorites. In under a week I read three of her four available books. She writes powerful stories that delve deeply into the questions of who we are and finding our place in the world. This book is about learning who you are. It part about learning to be, and to be good at being, no matter what life has thrown at you.

Rith is a young boy coming of age. He lives with his mother, his step father and his step sister who adores him. But strange things are happening to Rith. When he awakes one night and goes to the top of the stairs, he finds that the normal staircase has been replaced by a spiral staircase. This new staircase leads to a living room that is not his own. He is led to these stairs and to this room by a strange cat that again is not his own and yet seems to belong to him or at least has a plan for him. The cat leads him down the spiral stairs to a bizarre old man in an armchair sitting in front of a fire. This old man only speaks in quotes from the Bible. No matter what Rith asks or how much he persists, the Bible man only speaks in verses. Yet His words ring with truth to Rith and soon he starts looking up the verses and reading more. Rith shares this story with his new friend, Toby and soon Toby's father. As Rith circles the truth and tries to figure out what is going on he starts fighting more with his step father, causing tension with his mother. And soon even his little sister seems to be in danger. Can Rith figure out the cryptic quotes from Bible man? Can he find his place in his family and his world?

This was an amazing story. I find myself thinking about it often and know that I will reread it soon. This book will make you think. It was well worth reading and I give it the highest recommendation I can.

Books by Pat Schmatz:
Circle the Truth
Mrs. Estronsky and the U.F.O.

Author Profile Interview with Pat Schmatz

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