Wednesday 7 December 2011

Come to Me In Silence - Rod McKeun

Come to Me In Silence
Rod McKeun

Simon and Schuster/Cheval Books

ISBN 6712163331973

I was at a wedding this past summer, where the bride was a librarian, and as table markers they had books, wrapped in brown paper and decorated with the colors of the wedding. This was the book on my table. It was a book of poetry. I had never heard of McKeun and ended up reading the book through dinner and the speeches. I was later to learn that he had written over 30 books, and almost a hundred albums. He was born in 1933 and though still alive at the writing of this review in 2011, he has not actively produced any new works since 1983.

Rod Mckuen is known as an iconic American poet, composer, singer and songwriter. He reached his peak of popularity in the 60's yet still has a devoted following today. He produced albums of music, spoken word, soundtracks for movies and more. He also brought foreign artists' works to North American Culture through translation and promotion. McKeun had two Oscar nominations and one Pulitzer nomination for his compositions.

Though I enjoy the occasional book of poetry, I am not a poetry critic; I can only state what I like and enjoy. This book falls into both categories. It followed themes that are prevalent in McKuen's works: love, the world and spirituality. It was a pleasant read, and one I would read again. And it was good enough that I am trying to track down some of his other works. And that is really the highest recommendation I can give to a book. It leaves me wanting to read more from the author or with plans to reread the same book.

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