Thursday, 8 March 2012

Judy Moody Goes to College - Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds - Book 8

Judy Moody Goes to College
Judy Moody Book 8
Megan McDonald (Author)

Peter H. Reynolds (Illustrator)


ISBN 9780763648558
eISBN 9780763652074

This was the third book in the Judy Moody series and the eighth book with Stink and Judy Moody in it that I have read. I love the characters. The writing is wonderful. The illustrations are amazing. Together Megan and Peter have created some wonderful books to be shared by the whole family. One of the greatest strengths of these books is that even though there are now 23 books between the Judy Moody books, the Stink Moody books and the two cross-over books, they can be read in almost any order. Some of the books make reference to events in earlier books but never to the extent that they need to be read in order. You can pick up any of the books and will have a great read in your hands.

In this book Mr. Todd has gone away to Italy for a teachers' convention. Judy does not get along with the new teacher and soon she is in need of tutoring in Math. So her parents make arrangements for her to get some help at the local college. So Judy Moody goes to College, specifically Cononial College, where she meets her tutor Chloe Canfield or c Squared! The chapters in this volume are:

Who's Who

Mom-and Dad-i-tude
A New Attitude

Judy Moody's Not-Webster's New World College Dictionary, First Edition

While hanging out at College, Judy develops some new lingo, a new fashion sense and soon she is starting to annoy most of the people in her life with her 'at college' statements. But things might turn around. You will need to read to find out what type of mood Judy Moody ends the story with. This was one of my favorite books so far in these series. It was a great read and I highly recommend it.

Books by Megan McDonald and Peter H Reynolds:
Judy Moody books:
1. Judy Moody
2. Judy Moody Gets Famous!
3. Judy Moody Saves the World!
4. Judy Moody Predicts the Future
5. Judy Moody, M.D. The Doctor Is In
6. Judy Moody Declares Independence
7. Judy Moody Around the World in 8½ Days
8. Judy Moody Goes to College
9. Judy Moody: Girl Detective
10. Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer
10a. Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer (Movie Tie-In Edition)
11. Judy Moody and the Bad Luck Charm

Judy Moody Activity Books:
Judy Moody's Double Rare Way Not Boring Book of Fun Stuff to Do
Judy Moody's Way Wacky Uber Awesome Book of MORE Fun Stuff to Do
Judy Moody's Mini-Mysteries and Other Sneaky Stuff for Super-Sleuths

Stink Moody Books:
1. Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid
2. Stink and the Incredible Super-Galactic Jawbreaker
3. Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers
4. Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express
5. Stink: Solar System Superhero'
6. Stink and The Ultimate Thumb-Wrestling Smackdown
7. Stink and the Midnight Zombie Walk

Stink-O-Pedia Volume 1:
Super Stink-y Stuff from A to Z
Stink-O-Pedia Volume 2: More Stink-y Stuff from A to Z

Judy and Stink Books:
Judy Moody & Stink: The Holly Joliday
Judy Moody and Stink: The Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt

Stink and Judy Moody a Visual Bibliography

Books by Megan McDonald:
Sisters Club:
Sisters Club 1
Sisters Club 2
Rule of Three
Sisters Club 3 Cloudy With a Chance of Boys

Books by Peter H Reynolds:
The North Star
The Dot
Rose's Garden
I'm Here

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