Friday 1 June 2012

The Ten Commandments Of Lifting Weights - Jared Zimmerer

The Ten Commandments Of Lifting Weights
Recommendations to the Devout Body Builder
Jared Zimmerer
Bezalel Books
ISBN 9780984486496

This book was an incredible read. The combination of faith and fitness was excellent. We are seeing a whole new movement towards a more holistic approach to life across the Christian denominations and this one specifically speaks to Roman Catholics. Though to be honest, any Christian could glean much to be applied to their spiritual and physical disciplines. This short volume has much it can teach us and I highly recommend it.

Sections in the book:
How to Use This Book
Note from Kevin Vost, Psy. D
Chapter I Thou shalt not forget Who gives thee strength
Chapter II Thou shalt always give the glory of muscularity to God
Chapter III Thou shalt use this time for self-realization and mortification
Chapter IV Thou shalt use this time to train to be a warrior for The Queen Mother, Mary, Warrior of all warriors
Chapter V shalt use this time to appreciate what masculinity is - truly a gift from The Almighty
Chapter VI Thou shalt never use this time for Self-glorification - vanity is deadly
Chapter VII Thou shalt pray before, during, and after one lifts
Chapter VIII Thou shalt pray that one's strength is useful in the will of God
Chapter IX Thou shalt listen for the Whispers of God in this Time of Reflection
Chapter X Thou shalt rack the weights when finished - the one true God is a God of order
Example Workout Routines
Book Recommendations

I think the only thing I would have liked to see is a few 'Thou Shalt Nots' in the list but overall it was an excellent read. I know I will reread it and have already had a few friends read it who loved it. The book concludes with this prayer:

Ode of a Catholic Bodybuilder
My body is a temple, Ready for war,
I train to stay healthy,
To better serve the Lord.
My King desires perfection,
In mind, body and soul,
Through blood, sweat and tears
My body will pay the toll.
Strength and Honor,
Discipline and Prayer,
Unworthy of heaven,
But my King wishes me there.
I will prepare my body,
Educate my mind,
Through my loving Queen,
My soul will thrive.
My power will increase,
My muscles will grow,
Years of enemy temptation,
But I will serve
God alone.

So read the book to develop your mind, and use the information to strengthen both your physical and spiritual muscles. You will not be disappointed.

Books by Jared Zimmerer:
The Ten Commandments of Lifting Weights
Man Up!: Becoming the New Catholic Renaissance Man
Building A Classic Physique

Moses The Black:
Moses the Black Book 1

Other Fitness Articles:
Fall 2011 Programs
Workout program March 2012
My Gear February 2012
Fitness My Retrospective

TRX Articles:

TRX an Introduction
TRX Force

TRX Force Tactical
TRX Essential Flexibility

My P90X Series:

Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
Fitness Options
P90X at 120 Days Out

Health & Fitness Book Reviews:

The Primal Blueprint 21 Day Total Body Transformation - Mark Sisson
The Ten Commandments Of Lifting Weights - Jared Zimmerer
Toadally Primal Smoothies - Todd Dosenberry
Caveman Resurection - Jeff Pickett
40 Days to Optimal Health - Dr. Scott Morris
Eat Stop Eat - Brad Pilon
The Primal Blueprint - Mark Sisson
The New Rules of Lifting - Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove
Bench Press by: Sven Lindqvist
Sly Moves by: Sylvester Stallone
Fit for Eternal Life: A Christian Approach to Working Out, Eating Right, and Building the Virtues of Fitness in Your Soul by: Dr. Kevin Vost
Body for Life 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strenght by: Bill Phillips
Lose Fat Not Faith by Jeremy R. Likeness
Living The Good Life: Your Guide to Health and Success by: David Patchell-Evans
Dump your Trainer by: Ashley Marriott and Marc L. Paulsen

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great book for my 17 year old son on his upcoming birthday! He takes his faith seriously and his fitness, too and works out a lot. He watches this "motivational" guy on Youtube and I see this book as a way to ground it all with God, not ego. Didn't realize till I read your review that he needs a book like this. Thank you!
