Monday, 30 July 2012

Star Wars Folded Flyers - Klutz - Benjamin Harper

Star Wars Folded Flyers
Benjamin Harper
Klutz from
ISBN 9780545396349

This book was awesome. It has pull-out pages with 30 amazing airplane -, actually, 30 spaceships from the Star Wars movies. Each one has a few information pages about the specific ship, the pilot and the ship, weapons and defense, and how it does in battle. Then there is a series of pages showing how to create the ship. It will be awesome fun for young and young at heart. The ships you will create are:

Naboo N-1 Starfighter
Jedi Starfighter
Millennium Falcon
BTL-B Y-Wing
Advanced X1
T-35 X-Wing

You have pull-out pages to make 5 of each of the ships. This book will provide hours of fun.

Other Scholastic Books:
Star Wars Books:
Star Wars The Complete Saga
Star Wars Millennium Falcon YT-1300: A 3-D Owners Guide

Star Wars Darth Vader A 3-D Reconstruction Log
Star Wars Folded Flyers
Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace 3D
Star Wars The Complete Saga

Lego Star Wars Books:
Save The Galaxy!
Anakin: Space Pilot 3D
Darth Maul's Mission
The Padawan Menace

Lego City Adventure Books:
Fire Truck To The Rescue
Help Is On the Way!
Calling All Cars
All Aboard!
Ready For Take Off
Build This City
City Adventures Sticker Book

Work This Farm
Fight This Fire!
Lego City Heroes!
Trucks Around The City
Escape From Lego City
3, 2, 1 Liftoff
All Hands On Deck
Fire In The Forest!
Catch That Crook!

Lego Ninjago:
Collector's Sticker Book

Friday, 27 July 2012

Return Of The Homework Machine - Dan Gutman

Return Of The Homework MachineDan Gutman
Simon and Schuster

ISBN 9781416954590
eISBN 9781416994954

This story continues the fall after the events wrap up in The Homework Machine. Our main cast of characters is back together. They are: Brenton Damagathi, the genius, Sam Dawkins aka Snikwad the class clown and tough guy, Kelsey Donnelly an activist, and Judy Douglas a diligent hard working student. Mr. Murphy is retired from both the Military and NASA; he is teaching 5th grade because retirement did not sit well with him. He was aware of the events of the year before, but believes kids are good at heart. Then there is Ronnie Teotwawki (the other kids think his name is an acronym - can you figure it out before you get to it in the book?) and the mysterious Richard Milner who keeps asking about the chip from the homework machine.
This story is told in a series of first person narratives; they are supposedly recordings made to police about the events around the homework machines return and the problems that it causes. Our D Squad is trying to find and destroy the chip from the homework machine. It has fallen into the hands of someone who is using it for no good and not realizing what they are messing with. Milner is as manipulative as before and even more unbalanced. Mr. Murphy is looking for lost treasure in the Grand Canyon and encouraged that students are taking an interest in this legend and their local history. But, as we all know, in life sometimes things go horribly wrong, and in this story that is exactly what happens.

Dan Gutman writes wonderful books, enjoyable by the target audience and by their older siblings, parents and teachers. I have read a number of his books over the last year and enjoyed them all and this is one of my favorites! It is a great read so give it a try.

Books by Dan Gutman:
The Genius Files:
Mission Unstoppable (2011)
Never Say Genius (?)

My Weirder School: (Harper Collins)
Miss Child Has Gone Wild! (2011)
Mr. Harrison is Embarrisin'! (2012)
Mrs. Lilly is Silly! (2013)

My Weird School Daze: (HarperCollins)
Mrs. Dole is Out of Control! (2008)
Mr. Sunny is Funny! (2007)
Mr. Granite is from Another Planet! (2008)
Coach Hyatt is a Riot! (2009)
Officer Spence Makes No Sense! (2009)
Mrs. Jafee is Daffy! (2009)
Dr. Brad Has Gone Mad! (2009)
Miss Laney is Zany! (2010)
Mrs. Lizzy is Dizzy! (2010)
Miss Mary is Scary! (2010)
Mr. Tony is Full of Baloney! (2010)
Ms. Leaky is Freaky! (2011)

My Weird School: (HarperCollins)
Miss Daisy is Crazy! (2004)
Mr. Klutz is Nuts! (2004)
Mrs. Roopy is Loopy! (2004)
Ms. Hannah is Bananas! (2004)
Miss Small is Off the Wall! (2005)
Mr. Hynde is Out of His Mind! (2005)
Mrs. Cooney is Loony! (2005)
Ms. LaGrange is Strange! (2005)
Miss Lazar is Bizarre! (2005)
Mr. Docker is Off His Rocker! (2006)
Mrs. Kormel is Not Normal! (2006)
Ms. Todd is Odd! (2006)
Mrs. Patty is Batty! (2006)
Miss Holly is Too Jolly! (2006)
Mr. Macky is Wacky! (2007)
Ms. Coco is Loco! (2007)
Miss Suki is Kooky! (2007)
Mrs. Yonkers is Bonkers! (2007)
Dr. Carbles is Losing His Marbles! (2007)
Mr. Louie is Screwy! (2007)
Ms. Krup Cracks Me Up! (2008)

Funny Boy: (Hyperion)
Funny Boy Meets the Airsick Alien from Andromeda (1999)
Funny Boy Versus the Bubble Brained Barbers from the Big
Bang (2000)
Funny Boy Meets the Chit-Chatting Cheese from Chattanooga

Tales From The Sandlot: (Scholastic)
The Green Monster in Left Field (1997)
The Catcher Who Shocked the World (1997)
The Pitcher Who Went Out of His Mind (1997)
The Shortstop Who Knew Too Much (1997)

And Me Series: (Harper Collins)
Roberto & Me (2010)
Ray & Me (2009)
Jim & Me (2008)
Satch & Me (2006)
Abner & Me (2005)
Mickey & Me (2003)
Shoeless Joe & Me (2002)
Babe & Me (2000)
Jackie & Me (1999)
Honus & Me (1997)

Million Dollar:
The Million Dollar Shot (1997)
The Million Dollar Kick (2001)
The Million Dollar Goal (2003)
The Million Dollar Strike (2004)
The Million Dollar Putt (2006)

Kid Who Ran for President:
The Kid Who Ran for President (1996)
The Kid Who Became President (1999)

Qwerty Stevens Adventures:
Back in Time With Thomas Edison (2001)
Back in Time With Benjamin Franklin (2002)

Homework Machine:
The Homework Machine (2006)
Return of the Homework Machine (2009)

Other Books:
The Day Roy Riegels Ran the Wrong Way (2011)
The Talent Show (2010)
The Christmas Genie (2009)
Recycle This Book: 100 Top Children's Book Authors Tell You
How To Go Green (2009)
Nightmare at the Book Fair (2008)
Casey Back at Bat (2007)
Getting Air (2007))
Jackie Robinson and the Big Game (2006)
The Get Rich Quick Club (2004)
Babe Ruth and the Ice Cream Mess (2004)
Race For The Sky (2003)
The Secret Life of Dr. Demented (2001)
Johnny Hangtime (2000)
Landslide! A Kid's Guide to the U.S. Elections (2000)
Jackie Robinson (1999)
Joe DiMaggio (1999)
Cal Ripken, Jr.: My Story (1999)
Virtually Perfect (1998)
Katy's Gift (1998)
The Way Baseball Works (1996)
Gymnastics (1996)
Ice Skating (1995)
Taking Flight (1995)
They Came From Centerfield (1995)
Banana Bats & Ding-Dong Balls (1995)
World Series Classics (1994)
Baseball's Greatest Games (1994)
Baseball's Biggest Bloopers (1993)
Baseball Babylon (1992)
SuperMemory (1991)
It Ain't Cheatin' If You Don't Get Caught (1990)
I Didn't Know You Could Do THAT With A Computer (1986)
The Greatest Games (1985)

Author Profile and interview with Dan Gutman.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

The Startling Story of the Stolen Statue - Tony Abbott - GoofBalls Book 2

The Startling Story of the Stolen Statue
GoofBalls Book 2
Tony Aboott (Author)
Colleen Madden (Illustrator)
ISBN 9781606841655
ISBN 9781606843413
eISBN 9781606842997

Jeff Bunter, Brian Rooney, Kelly Smitts and Mara Lubin are the GoofBalls. They are primary school detectives. And they have a reputation in town for being able to solve any mystery. They have not had a new case in some time so are helping prepare the school for the 100th Anniversary of Badger Point school celebration. They are helping to decorate the Cafeteri-Audi-Nasium! Badger Point is a small school, so they have combined the cafeteria, the auditorium, and the gymnasium into one multipurpose room. The mystery begins when the statue of the first principal of Badger Point School goes missing on the day it is to be unveiled. With such diverse clues like a skateboard in a piano, a broken pencil, a scrap of paper that smells like chlorine, and a climbing rope, the Goofballs solve their goofiest mystery yet. But you will need to read to find out how they put it all together.

This is the second book in one of two new series out this year by Tony Abbott. Like everything else I have read by him, it is a great read. This series is aimed at younger readers than his other series, but Abbott does an amazing job of gearing the story for them. This book was a wonderful read and though there are two more planned in the series I hope there will be many more to share with children after that!

Books By Tony Abbott:

1. The Crazy Case of Missing Thunder (2012)
2. The Startling Story of the Stolen Statue (2012)
3. Superhero Silliness (2012)
4. The Mysterious Talent Show Mystery (2013)

5. The Scary Story of the Ha-Ha-Haunted House (2013) 

1. The Battle Begins (2012)
2. When Monsters Escape (2012)
3. Revenge of the Scorpion King (2013)
4. The Ice Dragon (2013)

Danger Guys
1. Danger Guys (1994)
2. Danger Guys Blast Off (1994)
3. Hollywood Halloween (1994)
4. Danger Guys Hit the Beach (1995)
5. Danger Guys on Ice (1995)
6. Danger Guys and the Golden Lizard (1996)

Time Surfers
1. Space Bingo (1996)
2. Orbit Wipeout! (1995)
3. Mondo Meltdown (1996)
4. Into the Zonk Zone! (1996)
5. Splash Crash (1997)
6. Zero Hour (1997)
7. Shock Wave (1997)
8. Doom Star (1997)

Weird Zone
1. Zombie Surf Commandos from Mars (1996)
2. The Incredible Shrinking Kid (1996)
3. The Beast from Beneath the Cafeteria! (1996)
4. Attack of the Alien Mole Invaders! (1996)
5. The Brain That Wouldn't Obey! (1996)
6. Gigantopus from Planet X! (1997)
7. Cosmic Boy Versus Mezmo Head! (1997)
8. Revenge of the Tiki Men! (1997)

Secrets of Droon
1. The Hidden Stairs and the Magic Carpet (1999)
2. Journey to the Volcano Palace (1999)
3. The Mysterious Island (1999)
4. City in the Clouds (1999)
5. The Great Ice Battle (1999)
6. The Sleeping Giant of Goll (2000)
7. Into the Land of the Lost (2000)
8. The Golden Wasp (2000)
9. Tower of the Elf King (2000)
10. Quest for the Queen (2000)
11. The Hawk Bandits of Tarkoom (2000)
12. Under the Serpent Sea (2001)
13. The Mask of Maliban (2001)
14. Voyage of the Jaffa Wind (2002)
15. The Moon Scroll (2002)
16. The Knights of Silversnow (2002)
Special Edition 1. The Magic Escapes (2002)
17. Dream Thief (2003)
18. Search for the Dragon Ship (2003)
19. The Coiled Viper (2003)
20. In The Ice Caves of Krog (2003)
21. Flight of the Genie (2003)
Special Edition 2. Wizard or Witch? (2004)
22. The Isle of Mists (2004)
23. The Fortress of the Treasure Queen (2004)
24. Race To Doobesh (2005)
25. The Riddle Of Zorfendorf Castle (2005)
Special Edition 3. Voyagers of the Silver Sand (2005)
26. The Moon Dragon (2006)
27. The Chariot of Queen Zara (2006)
28. In the Shadow of Goll (2006)
Special Edition 4. Sorcerer (2006)
29. Pirates of the Purple Dawn (2007)
30. Escape from Jabar-Loo (2007)
31. Queen of Shadowthorn (2007)
Special Edition 5. Moon Magic (2008)
32. Treasure of the Orkins (2008)
33. Flight of the Blue Serpent (2008)
34. In the City of Dreams (2009)
Special Edition 6. Crown of Wizards (2009)
35. The Lost Empire Of Koomba (2009)
36. Knights of the Ruby Wand (2010)
Special Edition 7. The Genie King (2010)
Special Edition 8. The Final Quest (2010)

Don't Touch That Remote
1. Sitcom School (1999)
2. The Fake Teacher (1999)
3. Stinky Business (announced, not published)
4. Freak Week (announced, not published)

Cracked Classics
1. Trapped in Transylvania: Dracula (2002)
2. Mississippi River Blues: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (2002)
3. What a Trip!: Around the World in Eighty Days (2002)
4. Humbug Holiday: A Christmas Carol (2002)

5. X Marks the Spot: Treasure Island (2003)
6. Crushing on a Capulet: Romeo and Juliet (2003)

Haunting of Derek Stone
1. City of the Dead (2009)
2. Bayou Dogs (2009)
3. The Red House (2009)
4. The Ghost Road (2009)

The Copernicus Legacy
The Forbidden Stone (2013)
The Serpent's Curse (2014

Kringle (2005)
Firegirl (2006)
The Postcard (2008)
Lunch-Box Dream (2011)

Author profile interview with Tony Abbott.

Monday, 23 July 2012

BOB Books Sight Words - First Grade - Lynn Maslen Kertell and Sue Hendra

BOB Books
Sight Words - First Grade
Lynn Maslen Kertell (Author)
Sue Hendra (Illustrator)
ISBN 9780545019248

The Bob Books are a series of boxed sets designed to help develop skills at different levels and complexities. They are designed to grow with a child as their skills in reading improve. This is the second set we have given our oldest daughter and she loves them.

There are 10 books in this specific boxed set:
Little Bug
The Sled
What Is that?
Come In
The Old Truck
Play Ball
Dress Up
Before and After

30 Flash Cards of the 30 sights words:
are, good, now, ate, he, little, pretty, said, she, will, with, you, my, that, what, come, into, under, make, new, like, play, bring, small, old, find,
before, then, long, after

The tools combined in this box set are a real aide in helping a child grow and develop their reading skills. The focused repetitions between the flash cards and the same words being a big focus in the books is a well designed and planned tool. One of the things I like best is that in the front cover of each book is a list of the site words focused on in that book, and a parenting tip for helping the child to acquire the new words. This is a great series and with each new one I appreciate them more.

Friday, 20 July 2012

The Homework Machine - Dan Gutman

The Homework Machine
Dan Gutman
Simon and Schuster
ISBN 9780689876783
eISBN 9781442407091

What would life be like if you had a computer to do your homework? Well for some fifth graders they are about to find out. They are members of the 'D' Squad sitting in groups of four, their last names all ended in D. They are Brenton Damagathi, the geek and maybe super genius, Sam Dawkins aka Snikwad the class clown, Kelsey Donnelly is a slacker doing just enough to get by and Judy Douglas is the teacher's pet and almost straight 'A' student. Their teacher in the fifth grade was Miss Rasmussen, first year out of teaching college and a little green. It all starts when Brenton boasts he does not need to do homework because he has a machine that will do it for him. That evening the D Squad heads to his house and soon the homework is all being done by the computer which has been christened Belch; but as these four children soon realize, trying to keep a secret starts taking more work, time, effort and stress than if they did not have a secret and just went back to doing their own homework. But hindsight is 20/20 as the saying goes.

The story is told in a series of first person narratives, being recorded for the most part while at the police station giving their testimony of what has gone on over the past school year. Written from the perspective of the D Squad, their teachers, parents and some of their classmates, it makes for a wonderfully funny story with more than a little message for the readers to absorb. Dan Gutman has written over 100 books; of the few that I have read this is the best! A great story and bound to be enjoyed by readers of all ages.

Books by Dan Gutman:
The Genius Files:
Mission Unstoppable (2011)
Never Say Genius (?)

My Weirder School: (Harper Collins)
Miss Child Has Gone Wild! (2011)
Mr. Harrison is Embarrisin'! (2012)
Mrs. Lilly is Silly! (2013)

My Weird School Daze: (HarperCollins)
Mrs. Dole is Out of Control! (2008)
Mr. Sunny is Funny! (2007)
Mr. Granite is from Another Planet! (2008)
Coach Hyatt is a Riot! (2009)
Officer Spence Makes No Sense! (2009)
Mrs. Jafee is Daffy! (2009)
Dr. Brad Has Gone Mad! (2009)
Miss Laney is Zany! (2010)
Mrs. Lizzy is Dizzy! (2010)
Miss Mary is Scary! (2010)
Mr. Tony is Full of Baloney! (2010)
Ms. Leaky is Freaky! (2011)

My Weird School: (HarperCollins)
Miss Daisy is Crazy! (2004)
Mr. Klutz is Nuts! (2004)
Mrs. Roopy is Loopy! (2004)
Ms. Hannah is Bananas! (2004)
Miss Small is Off the Wall! (2005)
Mr. Hynde is Out of His Mind! (2005)
Mrs. Cooney is Loony! (2005)
Ms. LaGrange is Strange! (2005)
Miss Lazar is Bizarre! (2005)
Mr. Docker is Off His Rocker! (2006)
Mrs. Kormel is Not Normal! (2006)
Ms. Todd is Odd! (2006)
Mrs. Patty is Batty! (2006)
Miss Holly is Too Jolly! (2006)
Mr. Macky is Wacky! (2007)
Ms. Coco is Loco! (2007)
Miss Suki is Kooky! (2007)
Mrs. Yonkers is Bonkers! (2007)
Dr. Carbles is Losing His Marbles! (2007)
Mr. Louie is Screwy! (2007)
Ms. Krup Cracks Me Up! (2008)

Funny Boy: (Hyperion)
Funny Boy Meets the Airsick Alien from Andromeda (1999)
Funny Boy Versus the Bubble Brained Barbers from the Big
Bang (2000)
Funny Boy Meets the Chit-Chatting Cheese from Chattanooga

Tales From The Sandlot: (Scholastic)
The Green Monster in Left Field (1997)
The Catcher Who Shocked the World (1997)
The Pitcher Who Went Out of His Mind (1997)
The Shortstop Who Knew Too Much (1997)

And Me Series: (Harper Collins)
Roberto & Me (2010)
Ray & Me (2009)
Jim & Me (2008)
Satch & Me (2006)
Abner & Me (2005)
Mickey & Me (2003)
Shoeless Joe & Me (2002)
Babe & Me (2000)
Jackie & Me (1999)
Honus & Me (1997)

Million Dollar:
The Million Dollar Shot (1997)
The Million Dollar Kick (2001)
The Million Dollar Goal (2003)
The Million Dollar Strike (2004)
The Million Dollar Putt (2006)

Kid Who Ran for President:
The Kid Who Ran for President (1996)
The Kid Who Became President (1999)

Qwerty Stevens Adventures:
Back in Time With Thomas Edison (2001)
Back in Time With Benjamin Franklin (2002)

Homework Machine:
The Homework Machine (2006)
Return of the Homework Machine (2009)

Other Books:
The Day Roy Riegels Ran the Wrong Way (2011)
The Talent Show (2010)
The Christmas Genie (2009)
Recycle This Book: 100 Top Children's Book Authors Tell You
How To Go Green (2009)
Nightmare at the Book Fair (2008)
Casey Back at Bat (2007)
Getting Air (2007))
Jackie Robinson and the Big Game (2006)
The Get Rich Quick Club (2004)
Babe Ruth and the Ice Cream Mess (2004)
Race For The Sky (2003)
The Secret Life of Dr. Demented (2001)
Johnny Hangtime (2000)
Landslide! A Kid's Guide to the U.S. Elections (2000)
Jackie Robinson (1999)
Joe DiMaggio (1999)
Cal Ripken, Jr.: My Story (1999)
Virtually Perfect (1998)
Katy's Gift (1998)
The Way Baseball Works (1996)
Gymnastics (1996)
Ice Skating (1995)
Taking Flight (1995)
They Came From Centerfield (1995)
Banana Bats & Ding-Dong Balls (1995)
World Series Classics (1994)
Baseball's Greatest Games (1994)
Baseball's Biggest Bloopers (1993)
Baseball Babylon (1992)
SuperMemory (1991)
It Ain't Cheatin' If You Don't Get Caught (1990)
I Didn't Know You Could Do THAT With A Computer (1986)
The Greatest Games (1985)

Author Profile and interview with Dan Gutman.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

The Crazy Case of the Missing Thunder - Tony Aboott - GoofBalls Book 1

The Crazy Case of the Missing Thunder
GoofBalls Book 1
Tony Aboott (Author)
Colleen Madden (Illustrator)
ISBN 9781606841648
ISBN 9781606843406
eISBN 9781606842980

This book is the first in one of two new series out this year by Tony Abbott. Like everything else I have read by him it is a great read. Though this one is aimed at a younger audience than many of his other books I have read, he does a great job of writing for that audience and creating a story and characters young readers will love and hopefully get many more stories about.

The Goofballs are Jeff Bunter, Brian Rooney, Kelly Smitts and Mara Lubin, and they have garnered a fair bit of fame in the town after solving the case of the Pizza Disaster. Now they get a mysterious call by a Randall Crandall summoning them for a new case to one of the richest neighborhoods in town. They soon find out things are not always as they appear or in this case, as they sound over the phone. But there is a case and the Goofballs are on it. Can they find the missing Thunder? Read and find out.

Books By Tony Abbott:

1. The Crazy Case of Missing Thunder (2012)
2. The Startling Story of the Stolen Statue (2012)
3. Superhero Silliness (2012)
4. The Mysterious Talent Show Mystery (2013)

5. The Scary Story of the Ha-Ha-Haunted House (2013) 

1. The Battle Begins (2012)
2. When Monsters Escape (2012)
3. Revenge of the Scorpion King (2013)
4. The Ice Dragon (2013)

Danger Guys
1. Danger Guys (1994)
2. Danger Guys Blast Off (1994)
3. Hollywood Halloween (1994)
4. Danger Guys Hit the Beach (1995)
5. Danger Guys on Ice (1995)
6. Danger Guys and the Golden Lizard (1996)

Time Surfers
1. Space Bingo (1996)
2. Orbit Wipeout! (1995)
3. Mondo Meltdown (1996)
4. Into the Zonk Zone! (1996)
5. Splash Crash (1997)
6. Zero Hour (1997)
7. Shock Wave (1997)
8. Doom Star (1997)

Weird Zone
1. Zombie Surf Commandos from Mars (1996)
2. The Incredible Shrinking Kid (1996)
3. The Beast from Beneath the Cafeteria! (1996)
4. Attack of the Alien Mole Invaders! (1996)
5. The Brain That Wouldn't Obey! (1996)
6. Gigantopus from Planet X! (1997)
7. Cosmic Boy Versus Mezmo Head! (1997)
8. Revenge of the Tiki Men! (1997)

Secrets of Droon
1. The Hidden Stairs and the Magic Carpet (1999)
2. Journey to the Volcano Palace (1999)
3. The Mysterious Island (1999)
4. City in the Clouds (1999)
5. The Great Ice Battle (1999)
6. The Sleeping Giant of Goll (2000)
7. Into the Land of the Lost (2000)
8. The Golden Wasp (2000)
9. Tower of the Elf King (2000)
10. Quest for the Queen (2000)
11. The Hawk Bandits of Tarkoom (2000)
12. Under the Serpent Sea (2001)
13. The Mask of Maliban (2001)
14. Voyage of the Jaffa Wind (2002)
15. The Moon Scroll (2002)
16. The Knights of Silversnow (2002)
Special Edition 1. The Magic Escapes (2002)
17. Dream Thief (2003)
18. Search for the Dragon Ship (2003)
19. The Coiled Viper (2003)
20. In The Ice Caves of Krog (2003)
21. Flight of the Genie (2003)
Special Edition 2. Wizard or Witch? (2004)
22. The Isle of Mists (2004)
23. The Fortress of the Treasure Queen (2004)
24. Race To Doobesh (2005)
25. The Riddle Of Zorfendorf Castle (2005)
Special Edition 3. Voyagers of the Silver Sand (2005)
26. The Moon Dragon (2006)
27. The Chariot of Queen Zara (2006)
28. In the Shadow of Goll (2006)
Special Edition 4. Sorcerer (2006)
29. Pirates of the Purple Dawn (2007)
30. Escape from Jabar-Loo (2007)
31. Queen of Shadowthorn (2007)
Special Edition 5. Moon Magic (2008)
32. Treasure of the Orkins (2008)
33. Flight of the Blue Serpent (2008)
34. In the City of Dreams (2009)
Special Edition 6. Crown of Wizards (2009)
35. The Lost Empire Of Koomba (2009)
36. Knights of the Ruby Wand (2010)
Special Edition 7. The Genie King (2010)
Special Edition 8. The Final Quest (2010)

Don't Touch That Remote
1. Sitcom School (1999)
2. The Fake Teacher (1999)
3. Stinky Business (announced, not published)
4. Freak Week (announced, not published)

Cracked Classics
1. Trapped in Transylvania: Dracula (2002)
2. Mississippi River Blues: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (2002)
3. What a Trip!: Around the World in Eighty Days (2002)
4. Humbug Holiday: A Christmas Carol (2002)

5. X Marks the Spot: Treasure Island (2003)
6. Crushing on a Capulet: Romeo and Juliet (2003)

Haunting of Derek Stone
1. City of the Dead (2009)
2. Bayou Dogs (2009)
3. The Red House (2009)
4. The Ghost Road (2009)

The Copernicus Legacy
The Forbidden Stone (2013)
The Serpent's Curse (2014

Kringle (2005)
Firegirl (2006)
The Postcard (2008)
Lunch-Box Dream (2011)

Author profile interview with Tony Abbott.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Gregor and the Marks of Secret - Suzanne Collins

Gregor and the Marks of Secret
The Underland Chronicles
Book 4

Suzanne Collins

ISBN 9780439791465

There are so many fans out there of the Hunger Games books, and every time I encounter one of them I tell them I really liked that trilogy but I absolutely love the Underland Chronicles. With each of the books in the quintet I appreciate the writing and stories more. The growth and development of the characters and the plot is amazing. Watching Lexa and Gregor grow is a wonderful experience. Not since reading Madeleine L'Engle books years ago have I wanted to know what was happening with the characters when I was not reading about them, or found myself wondering what happens to them next, where they will be in 5 years or in 10 years. These are amazing characters and the series is incredible.

The biggest difference in this book over the preceding 3 in the series is that Gregor does not know or have a copy of the prophecy that he so heavily plays a role in. In fact, this prophecy is so dark, so bad, no one will tell him about it, not even Ripred. You know it's bad when a giant rat, considered the most cold- hearted creature in all of the underland, does not want to burden you with it.

The progression in this story was very different from the first three. First, as mentioned, we do not know the prophecy going into the adventure. Second, we do not have a clear resolution like the earlier books. Three, both Gregor and Luxa grow immensely in this book. Their characters mature, and are stretched. C.S. Lewis once stated ""Mere change is not growth. Growth is the synthesis of change and continuity, and where there is no continuity there is no growth." In both Gregor and Luxa we see serious growth and I cannot wait to start book 5. This is an amazing series; give it a shot - you will find yourself addicted.

Books by Suzanne Collins:
The Underland Chronicles:
Gregor the Overlander (2003)
Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane (2004)
Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods (2005)
Gregor and the Marks of Secret (2006)
Gregor and the Code of Claw (2007)

The Hunger Games trilogy:
The Hunger Games (2008)
Catching Fire (2009)
Mockingjay (2010)

Other books:
Fire Proof: Shelby Woo #11 (1999)
When Charlie McButton Lost Power (2005)

Suzanne Collins Visual Bibliography

Friday, 13 July 2012

First Little Readers - Deborah Schecter and Anne Kennedy

First Little Readers
Guided Reading Level A
Deborah Schecter (Author)
Anne Kennedy (Illustrator)
ISBN 9780545231497

This is an amazing reading pack for young children. My daughter is in Sr. Kindergarten and can now read almost all of these books by herself. The way they are designed with the repetition and patterns is a great aide in helping young readers develop skills with their sight words and sounding out words. Almost every day now my daughter grabs these books and randomly works through them. In this box set the 25 readers are:

What is for Supper?
Fun at the Playground
Hello, Beach
Fun With Mud
Birthday Surprise
Cold Rose
What Can I See?
I Like School
Look What I Found!
What Shines?
What Do I Need?
Where Is Petey?
Hide and Seek
Hats, Hats, Hats
Shapes for Lunch
Winter Is Here
What Is Red?
I Like Stripes
When Night Comes
Sweet Treat
I Can Draw!
Almost Spring
Hurry Up! Hurry Up!
Class Pets

Incredible books with great illustrations and will be an excellent resource in the classroom or home.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Adventures of a Wimpy Werewolf - Tim Collins

Adventures of a Wimpy Werewolf
Hairy But Not Scary
Tim Collins
Michael O Mara Childrens Books

ISBN 9781843178569

This is the second book by Tim Collins I have read. In many ways I enjoyed it even more than the first. The humor is very British, the wit cutting and the delivery near perfect. Collins delivers a hilarious book and a wonderfully cynical look at the mythology of the Vampire vs. Werewolf antagonism. Combine that with a few clan members of each species trying to form a commune-like peace movement to stop the impending battle that will launch a worldwide war is nothing but nonstop fun. This book will have you laughing out loud.

The story revolves around Luke Thorpe, a 15-year-old goody-two shoes, a school monitor, a student who excels, and plans his study prep weeks and months in advance. He has his next few years planned out, blazing a trail of academic excellence towards the goal of a career in politics. But soon strange changes start overtaking him, and not the normal kind that a 15-year-old boy goes through. From his body growing and shrinking beyond his control, he becomes much hairier, and he has a strength, speed and stamina previously unknown to him. At first he believes he has rabies from a dog bite, but soon he discovers the truth and as he struggles to uncover his werewolf roots, he meets a girl, joins a pack, and finds himself chosen to be a main character in a war between vampires and the pack. You will also see a familiar wimpy Vampire.

This book was a very fun read. I highly recommend it. It is strong enough to stand alone but the humor only snowballs as you read the other books in the series in conjunction. So give it a try and rink up the fun! Cheers.

Books by Tim Collins:
Diary of a Wimpy Vampire (UK Title)
Notes From a Totally Lame Vampire (US Title)
Prince of Dorkness
Adventures of a Wimpy Werewolf

Mingin' or Blingin' (2005)
The Little Book of Internet Dating (2005)
The Ginger Survival Guide (2006)
Are you a Geek? (2005)
The Book Club Bible (contributor) (2007)
The Baldies' Survival Guide (2007)
The Little Book of Twitter (2009)
Behind the Lost Symbol (2009)
The Northern Monkey Survival Guide (2009)

Author Profile and Interview with Tim Collins

Monday, 9 July 2012

So You Want To Catch Bigfoot? - Morgan Jackson, Jamie Michalak and Mark Fearing

So You Want To Catch Bigfoot?
Morgan Jackson, PhD
Jamie Michalak (Author)
Mark Fearing (Illustrator)
Candlewick Press
ISBN 9780763655501

When this book arrived, my son was ecstatic. I literally had to wait until the 3rd day to snag it from his hands once he fell asleep so I could read and review it. He wants to be just like Stink Moody and he really wants to catch Bigfoot. Between him and his older sister it's like living in the movie Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer. But both the 4 and 5 year old went through the whole book looking for the photo of the next that Stink flashed during the movie. That being said, it is a great book. Both kids love it and I am sure my son will be carrying it around for weeks asking for it to be read again and again. The book was enjoyable, as an adult and kids love it. It is an interesting mix of legend, fact and speculation. It also has a resource section at the end that with a list of books and websites for more information. It is a great book and fun for all ages.

Judy Moody books:
1. Judy Moody
2. Judy Moody Gets Famous!
3. Judy Moody Saves the World!
4. Judy Moody Predicts the Future
5. Judy Moody, M.D. The Doctor Is In
6. Judy Moody Declares Independence
7. Judy Moody Around the World in 8½ Days
8. Judy Moody Goes to College
9. Judy Moody: Girl Detective
10. Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer
10a. Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer (Movie Tie-In Edition)
11. Judy Moody and the Bad Luck Charm

Judy Moody Activity Books:
Judy Moody's Double Rare Way Not Boring Book of Fun Stuff to Do
Judy Moody's Way Wacky Uber Awesome Book of MORE Fun Stuff to Do
Judy Moody's Mini-Mysteries and Other Sneaky Stuff for Super-Sleuths

Stink Moody Books:
1. Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid
2. Stink and the Incredible Super-Galactic Jawbreaker
3. Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers
4. Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express
5. Stink: Solar System Superhero'
6. Stink and The Ultimate Thumb-Wrestling Smackdown
7. Stink and the Midnight Zombie Walk

Stink-O-Pedia Volume 1:
Super Stink-y Stuff from A to Z
Stink-O-Pedia Volume 2: More Stink-y Stuff from A to Z

Judy and Stink Books:
Judy Moody & Stink: The Holly Joliday
Judy Moody and Stink: The Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt

Stink and Judy Moody a Visual Bibliography

Friday, 6 July 2012

Faith At Work: Finding Purpose Beyond the Paycheck - Kevin Lowry

Faith At Work:
Finding Purpose Beyond the Paycheck
Kevin Lowry
Our Sunday Visitor
ISBN 9781592760169

Few books have as an immediate an impact on all areas of your life as this book will. This book was stunningly designed to help you be a better servant of God and through that a better employee and coworker. With every chapter you learn new lessons that you can start applying immediately. Each chapter is broken into three sections - first the text of the chapter, second, action steps and third, questions for reflection. As I read this book I found that I would read a chapter a day, and the next day, before moving onto the next chapter, reread the action steps and reflection questions from the chapter before to see how I was doing. I have already read the whole book twice and know I will go back and read it again soon.

The chapters in the book are:
1. The High Calling of Work
2. Maximizing Value
3. Get Me Off This Roller Coaster!
4. Who's on Your Team?
5. An Attitude of Gratitude
6. Give me Patience, Quick!
7. How to Treat the Janitor
8. Workplace Witness
9. You Don't Drink Diet Coke?
10. Call in the Consultants
11. "Forgive Us Our Trespasses"
12. I Love A Challenge
13. The Beatitudes and Business

The writing was easily accessible and straightforward. Kevin draws from his years of experience in high finance and not-for-profit work. He also draws from examples that he was witness to. These examples in every chapter help to drive home the points made in the chapters. This book will have a lasting impact on all areas of your life. The advice is intended for work but you can apply the skills he outlines to friends and families also. Kevin is a very engaging writer and I have already recommended this book to numerous friends. And I know that I will be looking forward to more books by Kevin, hopefully soon.

Books by Kevin Lowry:
Faith at Work: Finding Purpose Beyond the Paycheck
How God Hauled Me Kicking and Screaming Into the Catholic Church

Contributed To:
Surprised By Truth 2
Man Up! Becoming the New Catholic Renaissance Man
Word by Word: Slowing Down with the Hail Mary

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Star Wars The Complete Saga - Jason Fry

Star Wars The Complete Saga
Jason Fry
ISBN 9780545356312

It is incredible that Jason Fry can capture the essence of all 6 movies in 96 pages. Each page contains a series of photos or illustrations with a series of caption boxes. It tells the story from Episode 1 through to Episode 6. Children will love pouring over the book again and again, for the artwork and photos are stunning.

The Star Wars books that Scholastic has released over the last few years are amazing. Either like this one, just a Star Wars book, or the Lego Star Wars books, they are introducing a new generation to stories that have been shaping people for over 30 years. This is another great addition to the Star Wars Library for young readers.

Other Scholastic Books:
Star Wars Books:
Star Wars The Complete Saga
Star Wars Millennium Falcon YT-1300: A 3-D Owners Guide

Star Wars Darth Vader A 3-D Reconstruction Log
Star Wars Folded Flyers
Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace 3D
Star Wars The Complete Saga

Lego Star Wars Books:
Save The Galaxy!
Anakin: Space Pilot 3D
Darth Maul's Mission
The Padawan Menace

Lego City Adventure Books:
Fire Truck To The Rescue
Help Is On the Way!
Calling All Cars
All Aboard!
Ready For Take Off
Build This City
City Adventures Sticker Book

Work This Farm
Fight This Fire!
Lego City Heroes!
Trucks Around The City
Escape From Lego City
3, 2, 1 Liftoff
All Hands On Deck
Fire In The Forest!
Catch That Crook!

Lego Ninjago:
Collector's Sticker Book

Monday, 2 July 2012

Please and Thank You! - Little Scholastic - Jill Ackerman and Michelle Berg

Please and Thank You!
Little Scholastic
Jill Ackerman (Author)
Michelle Berg (Illustrator)
ISBN 9780545270922

The little scholastic books are designed to grow with children. This one has two stages. It is a point and touch book for babies, and it is a look, listen and repeat book for children one and up. The Little Scholastic books are excellent resources for parents or educators. This is the first in a new grouping about manners. Every page has a flap the size of most of the page. It covers the original text and reveals a new one. The illustrations are wonderful and the story good.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Top 10 Fiction Books of the 2nd Quarter 2012

Top 10 Fiction Books of the 2nd Quarter 2012

1. The Dead I Know - Scot Gardner
2. The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl - Barry Lyga
3. Toppling - Sally Murphy
Megiddo's Shadow - Arthur Slade
Judy Moody Books & Stink Moody Books - Megan McDonald & Peter H. Reynolds
6. Someday - Alison McGhee and Peter H Reynolds
7. The Westing Game - Ellen Raskin
8. Ant and Honey Bee: A Pair Of Friends At Haloween - Megan McDonald and G. Brian Karas
9. Alien On A Rampage - Clete Barrett Smith
10. Zoe's Year - Barbara Reid
Relates Posts: 
Top 10 Fiction Books 1st Quarter 2010
Top 10 Fiction Books 2nd Quarter 2010
Top 10 Reading Goals for 2010
Top 10 Fiction Books 3rd Quarter 2010

Top 10 Fiction Books 4th Quarter 2010
Top Ten Reading Goals For 2010 - Recap

Top 10 Fiction Books 2010
Top 10 Picture Books of 2010
Top 10 Non-Fiction Books of 2010

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Top Ten Reading Goals For 2011

Top Ten Fiction Books 1st Quarter 2011
Top Ten Fiction Books 2nd Quarter 2011
Top Ten Reading Goals for 2011 Update
Top Ten Fiction Books 3rd Quarter 2011 
Top Ten Fictions Books 4th Quarter 2011
Top Ten Fiction Books 2011
Top Ten Reading Goals 2011 - Recap
Top Ten Reading Goals 2012
Top Ten Fiction Books 1st Quarter 2012
Top Ten Fiction Books 2nd Quarter 2012

Top Ten Fiction Books 3rd Quarter 2012
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Top Ten Non-Fiction Books 2012
Top Ten Reading Goals 2012 - Recap
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Top 10 Fiction Books 1st Quarter 2013

Top 10 Fiction Books 2nd Quarter 2013
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Top Ten Non-Fiction Books 2013 
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Top Ten Books Fourth Quarter 2014
Top Ten Fiction Books 2014
Top Ten Non-Fiction Books 2014
Top Ten Books First Quarter 2015
Top Ten Books Second Quarter 2015
Top Ten Books Third Quarter 2015

All Top Ten Lists on Book Reviews and More

Statistics Books Read By Year: 

107 - 2012 January to June
163 - 2011
302 - 2010
142 - 2009
98 - 2008
83 - 2007
191 - 2006
151 - 2005
60 - 2004
52 - 2003
97 - 2002
50 - 2001
41 - 2000
71 - 1999
73 - 1998
131 - 1997
101 - 1996