Wednesday 15 August 2012

KNE3S The Mixed Up World OF A Boy With Dyslexia -Vanita Oelschlager and Joe Rossi

The Mixed Up World OF A Boy With Dyslexia
Vanita Oelschlager (Author)
Joe Rossi (Illustrator)
Vanita Books
ISBN 9780982636695

This is the story of Louis the third who is in fourth grade. He has dyslexia and struggles in school. As someone who grew up with dyslexia that was diagnosed in grade two, I am always intrigued to read books about this learning disability. This book is one geared to the youngest audience I have encountered yet. And it does a wonderful job of capturing the essence of struggling with a learning disability. If you know a young person either with dyslexia or another learning disability, this book will be a source of encouragement to them, and smiles and maybe even a few laughs. The story is wonderfully written and the illustrations done in a pen and ink style are great.

(Note: I received an electronic galley of this book through NetGalley, courtesy of Vanita Books. The book was read on my iPad. As per my general disclaimer, free books have no impact on my review.)

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