Monday 13 August 2012

Lacing Up To Reality - Maggie Clark

Lacing Up To Reality
Maggie Clark
Smash Words

It is with bitter sweet feelings that I approach the writing of this review. The sweet is that it was a great short story set in the world of Roller Derby, specifically about a mother whose daughter is old enough to compete now and her struggles with what that means to her. The bitterness is that the bio at the end of the story indicates there will be more books set in and around this roller derby team and league. But after asking the author, I have found out that those projects are on the back burner. So you only have this boom and One For The Team to entertain you for the time being.
The team, the K-City Roller Girls, is the team that Beatrice is kind of a mom to. But her own daughter is old enough to start derby if her parents sign giving her permission. Beatrice had always wanted her daughter to follow her onto the rink, but now that the time is here she is hesitating.

This was an amazing short story and currently it is available for free. I read it twice and loved it.

Books by M.L. Clark:

The Bitter Sweet Here and After - Short Story
Uncle Remy's Whizz-Bang Circus
Game of Primes
Fat of the Land
The Shape of Things to Come
The Stars, Their Faces Uplifted in Song

Then Raise the Dead Man High
The Shadow & The Shadow

The Menagerie Mysteries:
The Stars, At Last Count
Wildly Runs The Dying Sun

K-City Kink Sisters:
Lacing Up To Reality - Short Story
One For The Team - Short Story

Contributed to:
Bastion Issue #6 September 2014
Lightspeed: Year One
Lightspeed Magazine, March 2011
The Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy, 2017

Analog Science Fiction and Fact, June 2013
Analog Science Fiction and Fact, March 2014
Analog Science Fiction and Fact, September 2015

Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 199
Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 193
Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 181
Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 173
Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 165
Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 162
Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 156
Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 123
Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 92
Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 86
Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 80
Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 74

Works translated by M.L. Clark:
The Marquise of Yolombo - Tomás Carrasquilla

Author Profile Interview with M.L. Clark

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