How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Chanukah? Jane Yolen (Author) Mark Teague (Illustrator) Blue Sky Press an imprint of Scholastic ISBN 9780545416771
Since the first book in 2000 the 'How Do Dinosaurs Say …?' series has been very popular. In 2012 two new books are being added to the others in the series and they should both be great fun for readers of all ages. Across the series more than 14 million books have been sold and brought together laughter, learning and fun to children around the world.
The first part of the book is a series of questions about what a dinosaur should not do while celebrating this Jewish feast. The second half of the story is what a good dinosaur should do to observe the holiday. The oversized picture books are filled with amazing illustrations, and brightly colored dinosaurs of all shapes and sizes; in fact every 2-page spread has a different dinosaur. Yolen and Teague have done a great job with the book and we look forward to reading more of them together as a family.
How Do Dinosaurs Say Merry Christmas? Jane Yolen (Author) Mark Teague (Illustrator) Blue Sky Press an imprint of Scholastic ISBN 9780545416788
To be honest, I was a little disappointed with this book compared to the 'How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Chanukah?' book. That one focused on both the social and religious aspects of the holidays. This one is almost a Dinosaur version of 'The Night Before Christmas', with a mix of what a Dinosaur should not do followed by what a good Dinosaur should do on Christmas eve. It would have been interesting to see more of the religious aspects of the holiday covered. That being said, it is a fun book that children will love and enjoy again and again. It could have been just a little more.
In this 'How Do Dinosaurs Say …?' series there are now about 10 books; they have sold 14 million copies worldwide and brought laughter, humor and learning together for children and readers of all ages. They are fun books and are well done, just with a little less learning then its counterpart.
Cause I Love You Jan Carr (Author) Daniel Howarth (Illustrator) Cartwheel Books an Imprint of Scholastic ISBN 9780439872782
This story was such a wonderful story with the tongue twister text and bright beautiful illustrations. The board book is a story that could easily become a family favorite. It follows a young bear and his mother through their day. They go to the store, the park, the playground, then race home and prepare supper, have a bath and get ready for bed.
The Super Secret Adventure Club George McClements Scholastic ISBN 9780545436854
The illustrations in this book are different - they have a unique feel and look. Combined with the text and number of words in the background on the club house itself, it makes for some wonderful reading for young readers. As the boys fight over what to call their new clubhouse, Bea yells at the boys to be quiet about their club and they love what she calls it. A good read in the leveled readers series. But because the text is in so many different colors, styles, and sizes, some young readers might struggle with it more than other books in the leveled reading series at the same level.
About the Level Readers The Leveled readers from Scholastic are a great way to introduce your child to reading. The levels are:
Pre1: ABC's & First Words Level 1: Sight words, words to sound out and simple sentences. Level 2: New vocabulary and longer sentences. Level 3: Reading for inspiration and information. Each book has a level rating, a grade level, a reading level, a lexile level and a word count on the back.
I Am Small Emma Dodd Cartwheel Books an Imprint of Scholastic ISBN 9780545353700
My children have always had a fascination with penguins. This book, done mostly in black and white, is an excellent read. The illustrations and text, both by Emma Dodd, have a stunning effect. The contrasts between extremes and a small penguin's search to find his place in the world make for a wonderful tale. The story is charming and the illustrations are excellent.
Read Me A Story Canadian Favorites Scholastic ISBN 9781443102490
This is an amazing book for Canadian families. It contains stories from icons in Canadian picture books. It is oversized and children love the large format and super-sized pictures. It is a fun book to read again and again and even though we have a few of the stories in separate books, all of my children love picking this one to read together.
The stories in this collection are: The Party - Barbara Reid Henry Penny - Werner Zimmermann Sophie and the Sea Monster - Don Gillmor and Michael Martchenko A Second Is A Hiccup - Hazel Hutchins and Kady Macdonald Denton Too Many Books - Gilles Tibo and Bruno St-Aubin
Great fun for the whole family.
Books written and illustrated by Barbara Reid: Zoe's Year (2012) Picture A Tree (2011) The Party (2010) Perfect Snow (2009) Sing a Song of Mother Goose (2007) Fox Walked Alone (2009) Read Me A Book (2004) The Subway Mouse (2003) Zoe's Rainy Day (1992) Zoe's Sunny Day (1992) Zoe's Windy Day (1992) Zoe's Snowy Day (1992) The Golden Goose (2000) Fun With Modelling Clay (1998) The Party (1997) First Look Board Books: Acorn to Oak Tree (1999) First Look Board Books: Seed To Flower (1999) First Look Board Books: Caterpillar to Butterfly (1999) First Look Board Books: Tadpole to Frog (1999) Two By Two (1992) Sing A Song of Mother Goose (1987) Book illustrated by Barbara Reid: Peg & The Yeti (2004) Gifts (1995) Effie (1990) Have You Seen Birds? (1986) The New Baby Calf (1984) Jenny Greenteeth (1983) Mustard (1983)
Books contributed to: Read Me A Story (2010) Dream; a Tale of Wonder, Wisdom & Wishes (2004) Mother Goose: A Canadian Sampler (1994)
The Leveled Readers from scholastic are great tools for helping young readers. This one was a new one for us. We have read some of the others but as my daughter grows we wanted to expand her experience. This story was a fun read and one she will read again and again. The illustrations are drawn to look like cut outs and follows the girls of Lalaloopsy Land as they prepare to put on a dance show. It is a fun read and based on it we will be looking for more to read in Lalaloopsy!
1, 2, 3 in the Sea Sue DiCicco Cartwheel Books an Imprint of Scholastic ISBN 9780545432382
With full page flaps that open to the right, to the top, a full page expanded spread and even a double flap unfold, children love the book and its variety of pictures, counting, and styles of physical interaction. It takes you on a journey through the sea, visiting fish, sea horses, sea turtles, whales, and mommy, daddy and me. With wonderful illustrations, this bright colorful ocean-themed counting book will be fun for your children.
A counting book based on Star Wars - a great way to introduce your children to some of the characters from your favorite movies. Start their geek credentials early.
Each number is a two-page spread with amazing illustrations and a short sentence to reinforce the number. Learn about Star Wars and numbers at the same time. Another fun book about Star Wars for the next generation! Scholastic has been bringing out a lot of different books from Lego Star Wars, Star Wars activity books and now Star Wars Phonics and a counting and numbers book. Other Scholastic Books: Star Wars Books: Star Wars The Complete Saga Star Wars Millennium Falcon YT-1300: A 3-D Owners Guide Star Wars Darth Vader A 3-D Reconstruction Log Star Wars Folded Flyers Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace 3D Star Wars The Complete Saga Lego Star Wars Books: Save The Galaxy! Anakin: Space Pilot 3D Darth Maul's Mission The Padawan Menace
This book only has 8 double page spreads. But it has a giant "FLUSH ME!" button that comes through on each page. And children will laugh and giggle and love pushing that button. It is a fairly simple story and the illustrations are in Caroline Jayne Church's characteristic style that we love as a family. Caroline Jayne Church is one of our favorite children's illustrators. This book is simple and fun and gets the point across. I don't think it will be a great potty training tool, but it will always bring a smile and laugh from children. Books by Caroline Jane Church: Leaf Trouble Here Comes Halloween! Here Comes Easter! Here Comes Christmas! The More We Get Together You Are My Sunshine Goodnight I Love You Potty Time Let's Get Dressed
A great read for young readers. These BOB Books leveled readers are a little different from any of the other Level readers we have used, in that, at the back of the book are pull-out flash cards for the key words in the story. This was a great fun story. Anna and Jack want a puppy; their parents explain it will be a lot of work. They get their puppy and soon the kids experience a young puppy with all of the excitement and trouble that comes with. But as they spend time with the puppy, both they and the dog become tired out. Wonderfully written and illustrated, this will be a great book to work through with your young readers and younger children will enjoy the story also.
About the Level Readers The Leveled readers from Scholastic are a great way to introduce your child to reading. The levels are:
Pre1: ABC's & First Words Level 1: Sight words, words to sound out and simple sentences. Level 2: New vocabulary and longer sentences. Level 3: Reading for inspiration and information. Each book has a level rating, a grade level, a reading level, a lexile level and a word count on the back.
We love the design of the magnetized board book. There is a great tray to hold the 8 magnets. Each page of the story is magnetized and guides children in telling the story with the magnets. The story can be read again and again and will have different outcomes and be fun to play with the magnets. The more of the Chugginton books that we read, the more we appreciate them. Great concepts, great stories and always Traintastic fun.
My son loved this book from the second he saw it. A book shaped like a shiny race car. The window is a hole and can be used as a handle to carry it. He has taken it everywhere since he got it. The story begins with "Race car, race car, zoom zoom, go! Around the race track, never slow!" And the rhyming story goes on to the finish line. The illustrations depict the race, from start to finish. They are full of action and children love them. The easy rhyming text is accessible to younger readers to practice sight words. The story is fun and the book was an instant favorite. It will be fun to read again and again.
BOB Books Sight Words - Kindergarten Lynn Maslen Kertell (Author) Sue Hendra (Illustrator) Scholastic ISBN 9780545109231
The Bob Books are a series of boxed sets designed to help develop skills at different levels and complexities. They are designed to grow with a child as their skills in reading improve. There are 10 books in this specific boxed set: Mat Hid Hop The Jet Who? As Big As Milk She Did It Frog Sat The Trip Sun Sets
30 Flash Cards of the 30 sights words: a , as, can, did, do, down, fly, get, go, goes, had, has, home, in, is, jump, look, not, off, on, over, ran, saw, she, some, they, to, was, went, who
The tools combined in this box set are a real aide in helping a child grow and develop their reading skills. The focused repetitions between the flash cards, and the same words being a big focus in the books, is a well designed and planned tool.
I must admit I am a big fan of this writing team. When I found out they had launched a new series with Scholastic I was overjoyed. But once I found out more about the new series I was a little nervous. A story about a ghost roommate could go either way. I should not have been worried. If the rest of the series is as good as this book, we are in for some amazing reads.
In this first book we are introduced to Billy Broccoli and Hoover Porterhouse. Billy has moved because his mother has remained. Billy has never been the most popular and starting at a new school where his mother is principal does not look like it will begin well. But the weekend before school starts he meets Hoover; Hoover has been a ghost for 99 years. And he only has one year left to pass Ghost School or he will be stuck on his family's piece of property for his entire afterlife. But for some strange reason Billy and Porter hit it off, and when things start going bad for Billy at school, Porter steps in.
This was a great story, in part about bullying, friendship, blended families, and all about growing up. It was a great fun read and I look forward to more books in the series.
From Anakin and Boba Fett to Yoda and Zam, this large format board book is an awesome alphabet book for children and their parents. Each page has a large letter, the name or title of the person, creature or robot, and ships, and also a sentence about them. Each letter is a different style, and the pages are color designed. The letters are fun and the book is a blast to read with children. This book is pleasing to look at and could almost be a coffee table book for adults who are fans of the series. Children will love exploring the pictures and all the different things as they learn the alphabet. Great fun for the whole family, little droids and all. Other Scholastic Books: Star Wars Books: Star Wars The Complete Saga Star Wars Millennium Falcon YT-1300: A 3-D Owners Guide Star Wars Darth Vader A 3-D Reconstruction Log Star Wars Folded Flyers Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace 3D Star Wars The Complete Saga Lego Star Wars Books: Save The Galaxy! Anakin: Space Pilot 3D Darth Maul's Mission The Padawan Menace
"Hi! My name is Judson Moon. I'm 12 years old and I'm running for President of the YOU-nited States." Get used to that statement for you will encounter it in this book on a number of occasions. His close friend has a plan to get him on the ballot to run for president. Lane Brainard has a plan and he will win this election, or he will if Judson follows his every command - what to wear, what to say, what to do. It doesn't matter that he is a 12 year old, As Lane states, there are ways around that.This story is equal parts cynicism, optimism and humor mixed together and what comes out is a hilarious story that will make you laugh out loud and hopefully make you think a little more about the political process. Join the wild ride as Lane and Judson spend the year campaigning towards becoming the next president of the United States. It is a fun, whimsical story sure to be enjoyed by the whole family. And you might just find that you become a supporter of the lemonade party yourself! Books by Dan Gutman: The Genius Files: (HarperCollins) Mission Unstoppable (2011) Never Say Genius (?)
My Weirder School: (Harper Collins) Miss Child Has Gone Wild! (2011) Mr. Harrison is Embarrisin'! (2012) Mrs. Lilly is Silly! (2013)
My Weird School Daze: (HarperCollins) Mrs. Dole is Out of Control! (2008) Mr. Sunny is Funny! (2007) Mr. Granite is from Another Planet! (2008) Coach Hyatt is a Riot! (2009) Officer Spence Makes No Sense! (2009) Mrs. Jafee is Daffy! (2009) Dr. Brad Has Gone Mad! (2009) Miss Laney is Zany! (2010) Mrs. Lizzy is Dizzy! (2010) Miss Mary is Scary! (2010) Mr. Tony is Full of Baloney! (2010) Ms. Leaky is Freaky! (2011)
My Weird School: (HarperCollins) Miss Daisy is Crazy! (2004) Mr. Klutz is Nuts! (2004) Mrs. Roopy is Loopy! (2004) Ms. Hannah is Bananas! (2004) Miss Small is Off the Wall! (2005) Mr. Hynde is Out of His Mind! (2005) Mrs. Cooney is Loony! (2005) Ms. LaGrange is Strange! (2005) Miss Lazar is Bizarre! (2005) Mr. Docker is Off His Rocker! (2006) Mrs. Kormel is Not Normal! (2006) Ms. Todd is Odd! (2006) Mrs. Patty is Batty! (2006) Miss Holly is Too Jolly! (2006) Mr. Macky is Wacky! (2007) Ms. Coco is Loco! (2007) Miss Suki is Kooky! (2007) Mrs. Yonkers is Bonkers! (2007) Dr. Carbles is Losing His Marbles! (2007) Mr. Louie is Screwy! (2007) Ms. Krup Cracks Me Up! (2008)
Funny Boy: (Hyperion) Funny Boy Meets the Airsick Alien from Andromeda (1999) Funny Boy Versus the Bubble Brained Barbers from the Big Bang (2000) Funny Boy Meets the Chit-Chatting Cheese from Chattanooga (2000)
Tales From The Sandlot: (Scholastic) The Green Monster in Left Field (1997) The Catcher Who Shocked the World (1997) The Pitcher Who Went Out of His Mind (1997) The Shortstop Who Knew Too Much (1997)
And Me Series: (Harper Collins) Roberto & Me (2010) Ray & Me (2009) Jim & Me (2008) Satch & Me (2006) Abner & Me (2005) Mickey & Me (2003) Shoeless Joe & Me (2002) Babe & Me (2000) Jackie & Me (1999) Honus & Me (1997)
Million Dollar: The Million Dollar Shot (1997) The Million Dollar Kick (2001) The Million Dollar Goal (2003) The Million Dollar Strike (2004) The Million Dollar Putt (2006)
Other Books: The Day Roy Riegels Ran the Wrong Way (2011) The Talent Show (2010) The Christmas Genie (2009) Recycle This Book: 100 Top Children's Book Authors Tell You How To Go Green (2009) Nightmare at the Book Fair (2008) Casey Back at Bat (2007) Getting Air (2007)) Jackie Robinson and the Big Game (2006) The Get Rich Quick Club (2004) Babe Ruth and the Ice Cream Mess (2004) Race For The Sky (2003) The Secret Life of Dr. Demented (2001) Johnny Hangtime (2000) Landslide! A Kid's Guide to the U.S. Elections (2000) Jackie Robinson (1999) Joe DiMaggio (1999) Cal Ripken, Jr.: My Story (1999) Virtually Perfect (1998) Katy's Gift (1998) The Way Baseball Works (1996) Gymnastics (1996) Ice Skating (1995) Taking Flight (1995) They Came From Centerfield (1995) Banana Bats & Ding-Dong Balls (1995) World Series Classics (1994) Baseball's Greatest Games (1994) Baseball's Biggest Bloopers (1993) Baseball Babylon (1992) SuperMemory (1991) It Ain't Cheatin' If You Don't Get Caught (1990) I Didn't Know You Could Do THAT With A Computer (1986) The Greatest Games (1985) Author Profile and interview with Dan Gutman.
Jack and Anna want to do something special for their father's birthday. They decide on making cupcakes. But they are missing some ingredients and have a few accidents along the way. Read and find out if they get to make the surprise cupcakes for father. This is a great read for young readers. The BOB Books leveled readers are different in that they have pull-out flash cards for the key words in the story at the back of the book.
The BOB books are wonderfully written and have bright vibrant illustrations. They keep the attention of children through many readings, both as they have the story read to them and as they grow and work on reading the books themselves. It's a fun book in a great series of resources for children in your life.
About the Level Readers The Leveled readers from Scholastic are a great way to introduce your child to reading. The levels are:
Pre1: ABC's & First Words Level 1: Sight words, words to sound out and simple sentences. Level 2: New vocabulary and longer sentences. Level 3: Reading for inspiration and information. Each book has a level rating, a grade level, a reading level, a lexile level and a word count on the back.
This book is a family favorite as are all books by Barbara Reid. But this one is so popular we now have 3 copies of it in the house, one for each child, ages 6, 4, and 1 and a half. Now the youngest's name is Zoey, which to some extent feeds the popularity but it is also the story. This board book is the compilation of four separate books:
My children love reading this book and following Zoe through the year. They like pointing out activities we have done, or picking ones for us to do next year during that season. With 48 pages of amazing illustrations the children can spend hours poring over the pictures. If you are not a fan of Reid's work or have yet to give them a try, this would be a great first book. If you are a fan, add this amazing book to your collection.
Book written and illustrated by Barbara Reid:
Zoe's Year (2012) Picture A Tree (2011) The Party (2010) Perfect Snow (2009) Sing a Song of Mother Goose (2007) Fox Walked Alone (2009) Read Me A Book (2004) The Subway Mouse (2003) Zoe's Rainy Day (1992) Zoe's Sunny Day (1992) Zoe's Windy Day (1992) Zoe's Snowy Day (1992) The Golden Goose (2000) Fun With Modelling Clay (1998) The Party (1997) First Look Board Books: Acorn to Oak Tree (1999) First Look Board Books: Seed To Flower (1999) First Look Board Books: Caterpillar to Butterfly (1999) First Look Board Books: Tadpole to Frog (1999) Two By Two (1992) Sing A Song of Mother Goose (1987) Book illustrated by Barbara Reid:
My family and I love the books by Barbara Reid so much. And to be honest I never thought she would create a book I would love more than Perfect Snow but she has done it. This book completely blew us away. The detail and intricacy of the plasticine illustrations of trees is mind-boggling. We can spend ages just going over the inside jackets and all the details in them. This book travels around the seasons and through various locations with a plethora of types, sizes and styles of trees. Even as an adult, it is amazing to go through the illustrations and pick out the details and quality of artwork. This is a wonderful book that we will treasure for years to come!
Book written and illustrated by Barbara Reid:
Zoe's Year (2012) Picture A Tree (2011) The Party (2010) Perfect Snow (2009) Sing a Song of Mother Goose (2007) Fox Walked Alone (2009) Read Me A Book (2004) The Subway Mouse (2003) Zoe's Rainy Day (1992) Zoe's Sunny Day (1992) Zoe's Windy Day (1992) Zoe's Snowy Day (1992) The Golden Goose (2000) Fun With Modelling Clay (1998) The Party (1997) First Look Board Books: Acorn to Oak Tree (1999) First Look Board Books: Seed To Flower (1999) First Look Board Books: Caterpillar to Butterfly (1999) First Look Board Books: Tadpole to Frog (1999) Two By Two (1992) Sing A Song of Mother Goose (1987) Book illustrated by Barbara Reid:
You Are My Cupcake Joyce Wan Cartwheel Books an imprint of Scholastic ISBN 9780545307413
The board books by Joyce Wan are great fun. Children will ask to have them read again and again. It has bright vibrant illustrations. Joyce Wan has created a little board book children will love.
Reading is always in fashion! Or that is what the back of this book states and I agree. Caroline Jayne Church has some amazing books - some of our family favorites that our children have gone back to over and over again to read. The illustrations by Church have a similar feel and look. But in this tabbed board book, there is a flap with a reveal on every page that follows the stages of getting dressed from underwear to shoes. It is a wonderful new book by an amazing author and illustrator.
Star Wars for the next generation! Scholastic has been bringing out a lot of different books from Lego Star Wars, Star Wars activity books and now Star Wars Phonics. I was not sure what to expect when getting this boxed set but it far, far exceeded my expectations.
The Books are: Book 1 - Meet Anakin - short a Book 2 - Friends to the End - short e Book 3 - Jar Jar's Trip - short i Book 4 - Here Come the Ewoks - short o Book 5 - How to Be a Jedi - short u Book 6 - Chase on Endor - long a Book 7 - Meet Han Solo - long e Book 8 - Hide Out - long i Book 9 - Here Come the Clones - long o Book 10Use the Force, Luke! - long u Workbook 1 - Short Vowel Sounds Workbook 2 - Long Vowel Sounds
With a focus of between 5 and 12 key words per book, with repetitions, these books give a lot of practice and will help develop reading skills. Most of the books have full color photo screen shots from the movies on every page and a small white bar on the bottom of the page for the text in a nice large font. The key words for the book are bold print to make them stick out. It was fun just reading through the books and going down memory lane of the movies even as an adult. There is a stronger focus on the original three movies which is awesome.
This box set will be a great tool for parents helping their kids, or in the classroom.