Wednesday 20 February 2013

Teaser - Game - I Hunt Killers 2 - Barry Lyga

I Hunt Killers Book 2
Barry Lyga
Hachette Book Group Canada
LB Teens
ISBN 9780316125871

I love getting ARC's(advanced readers copies) of books. It is one of the best perks of being a reviewer. Nary Lyga's Game - I Hunt Killers 2 is my most anticipated book in 2013 and it did not let down. The intro below from the author sets a tone and the book is amazing. I Hunt Killers was my top pick of 176 reads in 2012 and Game is even better. This book is not due out until mid April so I cannot post a review yet. A quick comparison, when I finished I Hunt Killers it felt like base jumping, I was falling but excited about where things were going. The end of Game was like being thrown off a mountain, while screaming on the way down, no idea where or how we're going to stop. But if you have not read I Hunt Killers go do so so you are ready when this one comes out! You will not be disappointed.  

Dear Early Reader,

So, here we are - a year later and it's time to play again.

This time, the stakes are higher, the crimes more gruesome.
The body count…well, you'll see.

When I Hunt Killers first hit shelves, I didn't know what to
expect.  The outpouring of enthusiastic reviews from early
readers such as you was humbling and overwhelming, and
played no small part in the success of that book.  I hope
you'll be just as happy with Game.  I know I am!

I also hope you'll want to tell everyone about the book,
but please - be careful.  Don't let slip the many twists and
surprises that lurk within.  Keep them under wraps, and let
people discover them on their own.

After all, Billy Dent doesn't like spoilers.

And you wouldn't want to upset him, now, would you?

Barry Lyga

Books by Barry Lyga:
I Hunt Killers:
I Hunt Killers (2012)
Game - I Hunt Killers #2 (2013)

Blood of My Blood - I Hunt Killers # 3 (2014)

I Hunt Killers Short Stories:
Down Time (2018)
Lucky Day (2014)
Career Day (2012)
Neutral Mask (2013)
Blood Boy (2014)

Brookdale High:
The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl (2006)
Boy Toy (2007)
Hero Type (2008)
Goth Girl Rising (2009)

Bang (2017)

Archvillain #1 (2010)
The Mad Mask - Archvillian #2 (2011)
Yesterday Again - Archvillian #3 (2013)

The Flash Series:
Hocus Pocus (2017)
Johnny Quick (2018)
Tornado Twins (2018)

Other Books By Barry Lyga:
Graphic Novels in Your Media Center: A definitive Guide (with Alison A.W. Lyga - 2004)
Wolverine: Worst Day Ever (2009)
MangaMan (with Colleen Dorren 2011)

Unsoul'd (2013)
After The Red Rain (2015)
The Secret Sea (2016)
Thanos Titan Consumed (2018)
The Hive (2019)


Short Story Project 2017
The Ghosts at 95
Loving The University
The Ideas of March
Four Minutes
Pulse vs. the Killing Fiend
Her Decade
The Life Cycle of Stars (Ignition)
Trading Worlds
When I Die
The Autopsying of Michael Edward Morgan
Meet Me Tonight

Contributed to:
Geektastic (2009)
Who Done It? (2013)

Author Profile and Interview with Barry Lyga

Author Profile and Interview with Randall Banner


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