Monday 22 April 2013

Professional SharePoint 2013 Administration - SharePoint for IT Professionals

Professional SharePoint 2013 Administration
SharePoint for IT Professionals
SPA 2012
Critical Path Training

I need to be honest: this course was very disappointing.  If it were not for an incredible trainer in Denny Eapen, it would have been a waste. Now maybe they rushed the manual because we wanted to run the course, but this course manual version 1.0 was definitely not complete and had numerous errors. We ran it as a class onsite at work with 10 participants from three different IT Teams - developers, infrastructure and end user support. Each of us in the room had various exposures to our 2007 and 2010 environments. This course was to get us all on the same page as far as SharePoint 2013 and all have fundamental understanding of 2013. The course did achieve that objective.

But often the manual had the slides at the top of the page and no further description, no notes, no further explanations. Even the instructor often talked about the gaps in knowledge in the manual and his instructor slides. There was even a glaring mistake in the lab set-up telling you to download a version of the SharePoint Designer tool that had known issues and spent hours trouble shooting only to uninstall and install the correct version.

Overall I would wait for a newer version of the course or look into different options!

An Update: I have since this review published found out that yes I did participate in one of the first running's of this course. And the Critical Path Partner did not follow the requirements for the course. The course has also undergone two major revisions since I took it. After finding this review Critical Path contacted me and did everything they could to understand my experience and compensate for it. I also understand that our particular experience is not typical. Based on the newer materials this course will provide all that you need for a successful implementation. I applaud their response to my concerns.

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