Thursday 27 March 2014

7 Basic Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer - Bill Bright

7 Basic Steps to Successful Fasting & Prayer
Bill Bright
New Life Publications
ISBN 1563990733
ISBM 9781563990731

This little booklet packs a lot of spiritual punch. I first read this book about 25 years ago while in university. Based on some life circumstances both in our own family and so many friends lives I have started going back and have been rereading many of the early books from my spiritual formation. I remember reading a lot of books by Bill Bright, but this volume is short and directly to the point. The chapters are:

A Personal Word
How to Begin Your Fast
Step 1 Set. Your Objective
Step 2 Make Your Commitment
Step 3 Prepare Yourself Spiritually
Step 4 Prepare Yourself Physically
While You Fast
Step 5 Put Yourself on a Schedule
Breaking Your Fast
Step 6 End Your Fast Gradually
A Final word
Step 7 Expect Results
How to Experience and Maintain Personal Revival
Six Vital Questions About Prayer

I really believe that all Christian's so be fasting as part of their spiritual development and practice of spiritual disciplines. So many people I know have tough life circumstances, finances, marriages, work the list of things that can go wrong in life is almost endless. I do not believe fasting will always get you what you want. But I do believe that fasting with a purpose and intent changes you and how you respond to situations, and how you see God working in them. In the gospel of Mark 9:29 Jesus states, "This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting." Bill bright in this book give simple clear instructions on why too fast and also how to fast. He guides you through successful fasts, from 1 mean to 40 days. 

Fasting is like any other muscle or exercise it takes work, but this book is a great starting point for the beginner or someone getting back at it. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey this book can be for you and your growth!

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