Thursday 31 July 2014

Who Am I - 2014

Who Am I - 2014

Lately I have been thinking a lot about who I am? In the past I would journal a few times a year based on the following 5 questions:

Who are you?
What do you want?
Who do you trust?
Who do you serve?
Where are you going?

They come from the Science Fiction show called Crusade which was a spinoff of Babylon 5. Each episode of Crusade began with these questions being asked by the narrator to the Captain. It has been a great experience. Also a recent convergence or serendipitous article I came across was  from the site a website:

Who am I?
What do I want?
What is my purpose?
What am I grateful for?

So for the summer of 2014 let's tackle some of those questions.

Who am I?
I am a husband, father, son, brother and friend. I am a Roman Catholic, a student, an avid reader, a writer.

What do I want?
I want to be good at being. I want to be better tomorrow than I was today. I want to live life at 90%. Making the right choices both in what I do and what I choose not to do, in what I say and what I do not say.

Who do I trust?
This is a hard question to answer. The number of people I trust completely is very small. But I do trust the Catholic Church, the bible. I I trust my wife and my family.

Who do I serve?
I serve God, and my family.

Where am I going?
I am on the journey of life. If you had told me a year ago I would be a fitness instructor I would have laughed at you. So I do not know where I am going but am enjoying the travels.

What is my purpose?
My purpose is to be a good man, a good husband, a good father, a good son.

What am I grateful for?
I am grateful for a father who always taught me integrity and honour, who exhibited a strong work ethic no matter what he did, he did it to the best of his ability. I am grateful for a wife who encourages and supports me. Who calls me out when needed, who has an amazing laugh and wonderful smile. I am grateful for my children, I learn more and more about the importance of being good at being, from being a father then just about anything else. I am grateful for friends and family, I have people I can count on no matter what happens in life they will be in my corner - and that matter more than anything else.

For years my personal email signature file has said: "Peace and Strength!
Yours, learning to be" I am a work in process. Just this week I was asked to write a profile for the DDP Classes I teach at the triFit Gym at work, it was a fun exercise so here are those answers:

Name: Steven R. McEvoy

Class: DDP, RedHot Core

How long have you been teaching? I have been teaching at ChristieFit since January 2014 and currently have 5 classes a week on the schedule. Back in the late 80's and early 90's I worked as a personal trainer while at Queen's University.

What is your work out routine? Currently I do a minimum 25 minutes Body Weight Exercises a day. I do weights once a week. Every few weeks I do a sprinting session, either running or biking. And about once a month I do a full body TRX Force workout.

Favourite exercise? TRX, 7 Minute Workout

What is your favourite vegetable? I love almost all vegetables raw but my current favourites are Kohlrabi or black radish. But I love trying new veggies especially heirloom varieties.

If you could work out with any celebrity, who would you choose? I think it would be cool to work out with either Sylvester Stallone or Arnold Schwarzenegger or maybe Tony Horton.

If you could choose, what would your superpower be? My super power would be to not need sleep. It would give me more time for what I love, reading, writing and working out!

What motivates you? Being a husband and father. I want to be in the best shape I can so that I am a better father, husband, son, brother, friend and person.

How do you find time to exercise? I had to choose to make it a priority. I am currently at over a year of DDP and other exercise every day. Prior to that I had gone almost a year with doing nothing, the results were not good. We all have 168 hours in a week. I made the decision to dedicate a minimum 30 minutes a day to having a healthy body.

Favorite song on your iPod right now? I tend to listen to whole albums and currently the favorites would be George Thorogood's 2120 South Michigan Ave. or Bif Naked's Essentially Naked.

Favorite Dessert? My kryptonite is Ice Cream, and the strongest flavors are mint chocolate chip, tiger tail or heavenly hash.

If you had to describe yourself using a cartoon character, which one would it be? I would be Wile E. Coyote. I may never get the prize but I never give up trying.

And that is my understanding of who I am at the moment. And the question's for you are: who are you? What do you want? Who do you trust? Who do you serve? Where are you going?

Peace and Strength!
Yours, learning to be
Steven R. McEvoy

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Twitter - SRMcEvoy

Twitter - YogiByAccident

CompTIA IT PRO, A+ ITT, A+ DT, A+ RST, Network+, Security+

"Now we can travel with more books stored in our telephones than the ancient Egyptians kept in their vast library at Alexandria."
           Mike Aquilina

"No tea cup is big enough nor book long enough for me to be satisfied."
           C.S. Lewis

"When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left over I buy food and clothes!"

Other Articles Examining Who I Am:
Mad Celtic Warrior, Poet and Priest! - An Essay - 2003
The Journey of a Quester! - An Essay / Spiritual Biography 2004
New Year's 2006
Who Am I? Who Am I? -2008
Confessions of a Bibliophile #5 - How I Became a Bibliophile, From Dyslexic to Addict - 2009
New Year's Goals 2010
Steven R. McEvoy Interview - 2012
2014 My Goals

Who I Am - 2014

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