Monday 22 December 2014

Ring Of Time - Andrew M. Seddon

Ring of Time
Andrew M. Seddon
Splashdown Books
ISBN 9781927154380
eISBN 9781311340863

I must be honest and state that I absolutely love Andrew M. Seddon's Saints Alive Volume I - Saints of Empire and Saints Alive Volume II - Celtic Paths so when I had the chance to receive a review copy of his latest novel Ring Of Time I was thrilled. The book did not disappoint. Seddon has a stunning ability to take readers into the past but learn lessons they can apply daily in their lives. Some books I devour, and go back and reread, others I read and the seldom come to mind again. This book I had to take my time with, to savor, taste and wait and come back to it again. If this book were a meal it would be a rare dining experience, intended to be relished and recalled fondly again and again.

Set in the 27th century, it is a series of stories told to us by Dr. Robert Cragg, he is the first time-travelling historian. Humanity has reached new heights of technology, they can send someone back in time and retrieve them. Suffering from the loss of his daughter and wife, he volunteer's to be the first to test this new technology, in fact he becomes famous as a time-travelling historian. He is running from his pain and loss into ancient Rome. But instead of encountering dry dusty stories he finds people, many of who he comes to care about and even a few love. The places and time's he visits are:

The Ghosts of Kourion, Cyprus, AD 365
Tyndareus and Krikor, At Sea, 15 BC
Moonrise over Metzada, Judea, AD 74
The Slipper of Sulpicia Lepidina, Britain, AD 103
Dust of Caesar, Italy, AD 79
Eudaimon, Egypt, AD 132
Asellina's Last Fight, Britain, AD 84
Doctoral Dissertation, Rome, AD 113
In the Mists of Britain, Britain, AD 62
Kobrinia, Britain, AD 257
The Arms of Venus, Melos (undated)
The Philosopher's Ring, Egypt, AD 415

But bouncing around time seems to be taking a toll on his health and he knows his number of trips to the past is dwindling. He must make some decisions about the past and about his future. He has had the pleasure of walking the sands of time and he has interacted with commoners, nobility, sailors, businessmen, zealots, legionaries, druids, gladiatrix and philosophers  and through it all, he finds people he can interact with, learn from and he finds he enjoys the past more than the present. . For Robert the past is not dead and gone, but alive. More alive than he ever expected to feel after all he has lost.

The story is wonderfully written, not only does the past come alive for Robert, but for us the readers also. It is an incredible read and one of the best books of the more than 115 I have read so far this year and one of the best of the past few years. It is an excellent read!

Well done Andrew well done.

Books by Andrew M. Seddon:
Walking with the Celtic Saints (with Neil & Gerlinde Kennedy-Jones)
Dr. Andrew's Curious and Quirky Compendium

Historical Fiction:
Imperial Legions

Saints Alive Series:

Saints Alive Second Editions:

Stories Of The Supernatural:
What Darkness Remains
In Death Survive
Science Fiction:
Red Planet Rising
Iron Scepter
The DeathCats of Asa’ican and Other Tales of a Space-Vet
Wreaths of Empire

German Shepherd Wanderings Series:
Bonds of Affection
Ranger's First Call

Contributed to:
Sky Songs
Sky Songs II
Fungi #20
Unintended Consequences
Silent Screams: An Anthology of Socially Conscious Dark Fiction
Eldritch Embraces: Putting the Love Back in Lovecraft
Tails from the Front Lines
Legends of Sleepy Hallow
Wolf Wanderings

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