Wednesday 25 February 2015

Manual for Spiritual Warfare - Paul Thigpen

Manual for Spiritual Warfare
Paul Thigpen
Tan Books
ISBN 9781618906533

Like it or not, you are at war.

This book is excellent. To be honest I had no idea where to begin with writing a review. So I went back to the book and copied my highlighted texts from the introduction and first chapter to give you a taste.  To begin with we have: "First, belief in Satan's existence and activity is today widely dismissed as an outdated superstition. As a result, most Catholics hear very little about him, leaving them unprepared to understand and defeat him. They need to know their Enemy and his strategies." Having been involved in university campus ministry for over 20 years this statement is true not only of most Catholics but also most non-Catholic Christians. From there Paul states: "The first part of this book lays out the biblical and theological foundations for our warfare with the Devil. The second part offers aids for the battle: Church documents, scriptural texts, words and anecdotes from the saints, prayers and hymns, and further resources for study." It absolutely lives up to that goal. I have already read this book twice and know I plan on reading it again.

One of the mail goals of the book sis "Our hope is that countless Catholics, and other Christians as well, will find this manual so helpful that they will carry it with them and make frequent use of it. For this reason, the book has been produced in a sturdy, compact edition that allows you to keep it handy and refer to it often." And I honestly believe it will do that. I have already recommended it to a number of Catholics and other Christians for I know it will be an invaluable tool in their life and ministry.

"Like it or not, you are at war." Every time I see this it stirs something in me. To be in a war and be unaware of it will only lead to failure. There have been many quotes about the church being a field hospital for wounded hurting people. This book can server as a weapon for those on the front lines, and those helping to tend the wounded. We are the army of Christ but our biggest responsibility is to support the field hospital.  And on that same note "God allows evil because He's powerful enough to bring out of even the greatest evil a much greater good." God can work all things for our good and to fulfil his plans.

The last quote I will leave you with is from the end of the first chapter. "Meanwhile, our days in this life provide a season for God to test, purify, strengthen, and perfect us, making us fit to live with Him forever in heaven. To that end, the demons serve as useful tools for Him as they constantly test us by tempting us, so that we become purer and stronger and closer to perfection every time we resist the temptation." Those are just a few of the gems from the first few sections of the book. The Contents of the book are:

How to Use This Manual
Part One: Preparing for Battle

1. Know Your Enemy
2. Know Your Battle
3. Know Your Commander and Comrades
4. Know Your Weapons
5. Know Your Armor
6. Keep the Enemy out of the Camp

Part Two: Aids in Battle

7. Church Teaching About Spiritual Warfare

  • From Catechisms
  • From Church Councils
  • From Papal Documents
8. Scriptures for the Battle
  • Scriptural Names and Images for the Devil and Demons
  • Incidents in Scripture Involving the Devil and Demons
  • Scripture Verses for Warfare
9. Help From the Saints
  • Words From the Saints
  • Spiritual Warfare in the Lives of the Saints
10. Prayers, Devotions, and Hymns for Battle
  • Prayers to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
  • The Blood of Jesus
  • Litany of Christ Our Champion
  • The Name of Jesus
  • Prayers to Our Lady, Vanquisher of the Enemy
  • Rosary Meditations for Spiritual Battle
  • Prayers to the Saints and With the Saints
  • Prayers to the Angels and to God for Their Assistance
  • Prayers for the Church
  • Prayers for the Family and Home
  • Prayers With Sacramentals
  • Prayers From Traditional Liturgies
  • Prayers for Strength and Deliverance
  • Scriptural Prayers for Deliverance
  • Hymns for Spiritual Warfare
For Further Study

I cannot recommend this book enough for anyone wishing to go deeper in the spiritual life. As soon as you pursue God and his will you will encounter opposition. This book will help you understand that opposition and strengthen you and provide tools and knowledge to stand against it. Be bold. Follow Chris and stand firm!

This is an amazing book you need to read it!

Books by Paul Thigpen:
Manual for Spiritual Warfare
Saints Who Battled Satan
My Daily Catholic Bible
New Catholic Answer Bible
My Visit To Hell: A Novel
Manual for Eucharistic Adoration
The Rapture Trap
Saints Who Saw Hell
The Burden
A Year with Mary: Daily Meditations on the Mother of God
A Year With the Saints: Daily Meditations with the Holy Ones of God
The Passion
Last Words of Catholic Saints And Sinners, Stars And Strays
My Daily Catholic Bible: New Testament, NABRE
Catholic Answers to Catholic Questions
A Dictionary of Quotes from the Saints
The Biblical Names of Jesus: Beautiful, Powerful Portraits of Christ
Shaken by Scandals: Catholics Speak Out about Priests' Sexual Abuse
Praying the Rosary with St. Paul
Thessalonians: Stand Firm In Faith Chapters 1-2
1 and 2 Thessalonians: Stand Firm in Faith
Queen Of Heaven Leader's Guide
Queen Of Heaven Study Guide
Praying With Pope John Paul II
Questions Catholics Are Asked: Are You Saved?
The Prayers of Pope John Paul II

Picture books by Paul Thigpen:
Colors of Creation
God's Wildest Wonderment of All
A Child's Christmas ABC Book: Angels in the Air Arrayed

Contributed to:
Surprised By Truth: 11 Converts Give the Biblical and Historical Reasons for Becoming Catholic
Journeys Home
A Guide to "The Passion": 100 Questions About the "Passion of the Christ"
Doors of Mercy: Exploring God's Covenant With You

Manuals from Tan Books:
Manual for Conquering Deadly Sin - Rev. Fr. Dennis Kolinski, S.J.C.
Manual for Eucharistic Adoration - The Poor Clares Of Perpetual Adoration
Manual for Marian Devotion - The Dominican Sisters Of Mary
Manual for Men - Most Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted
Manual for Women - Danielle Bean

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