Pretty Pink Juice First juice after I got a juicer for Christmas in 2014. Was yummy but a little sweet for my tastes, needed more veggies. Ingredients: Large Red Apple Large Bartlet Pear 2 Beets 2 Carrots Directions: Wash all veggies and then juice and enjoy!
I will continue to post new recipes from time to time on Saturday as I experiment with Smoothie and Juice recipes. And I collect mine and favourites from around the web you can find them shared here in aOneNote notebook, there are subsections for Juices, Smoothies, Gluten Free Options and Other.
Michal Stawicki is an author I recently discovered. I have read 4 of his 8 books and have two others in process. I have been incredibly impressed with his skill and talent in writing and motivating to change. In reviews I have compared him to Daniel Quinn, Robin Sharma, Dan Millman and others. Recently he took some time to answer some questions for readers here at Book Reviews and More. So here is Michal in his own words. 1. When did you realize that you wanted to be a writer? How did you nurture that dream? This dream was deep in my heart since I was a child reading 1-3 books a day. I put myself in the books I read and imagined I'd change the story from inside. But I have never pursued this dream up to the age of 33. It was nurtured only by the constant contact with a written word. In fact, I don't think I have ever read less than 20 books a year. In October 2012 I was working on my personal mission statement and among other things I discovered inside my soul was this desire to write. I wrote down "I'm becoming a writer," but it took me a while. I started my first blog one month later and my first book 5 months later. A mere 11 months later I started purposefully writing every day. 2. English is not your native language, and yet all of your books are available in English. How did you make the decision to release your books in English and why? At the beginning I was thinking about writing fiction in Polish. I finished my first short story and published it on the biggest Polish Science Fiction forum. The feedback wasn't very encouraging to say the least. I realized I would need to work very long on my craft before my fiction would get better. At the same time I was sharing bits and pieces of my transformation on a blog. I once wrote about my process of creating a personal mission statement (PMS) and one of my friends commented: "I was thinking about how you could create a small ebook on PMS from your process, Michal. Don't be shy, you have all the talent you could possibly need and people need the direction." I was also looking for a way to start my own business. After 10 years of IT career in a corporate environment I decided this is a dead end. It wasn't fulfilling and it certainly wasn't making me rich. I had heard about something "Kindle" (at that time I was barely aware that Amazon existed). I decided to try. It took me exactly 49 days from writing the first word to publishing "A Personal Mission Statement: Your Road Map to Happiness" on Amazon. The first shock was when over 440 people downloaded the book during the initial free promo. One day I was nobody and had no track record of written work and the other day my book was in the hands of hundreds of people! In the first month the book sold 31 copies. People were willing to pay for what I had to say! I was immediately hooked. My decision to publish in English was solidified: - I came away with the understanding that I could immediately monetize my work and turn my passion into business; - The florid style in non-fiction is not necessary and might even be a hindrance, so the simplicity of my writing was an advantage; - I'm passionately love to help people, so I find this kind of work very fulfilling. 3. Who were some of your biggest supporters and contributors to your early success? My biggest supporters were my peers from an online Transformational Contest. I took part in it in the first quarter of 2013 and there met wonderful people from all over the world. One of them nudged me to write my first book, another helped me in editing them and all of them have never doubted that I was able to reach my dreams. I also get a lot of indirect help from my mentor, Steve Scott. I painstakingly implemented all I could learn from him and that turned me from the life-long employee into authorpreneur. I must also mention my friend Chris Bell, who edited my fifth book and designed a marketing campaign for it. "Master Your Time in 10 Minutes a Day" was my first bestseller. Its publication was really my first "early success." 4. If you had not become a writer what do you think you would be focusing on in your life? Desperation and depression I suppose. Writing is my vocation. I have never felt so alive until I started discovering and sharing my passion for improving my readers' lives. 5. When you write do you write in Polish and translate into English or do you write and edit in English? I write in English. I try to improve a raw manuscript a bit before sending it to an editor, but it still gives him a headache. 6. What does your writing process look like? Takes us through the steps from idea to publishing? The idea is jotted down. Sometimes it waits to be developed into an outline for months, but usually the next day I start working on it. First I brainstorm: what I am able to say about the topic, what are my experiences, what sources I could use? The next step is crafting the message of the book. I answer several basic questions, like what the problem is and what's the solution I'll provide to solve that problem. Once the message is ready I create an outline, which takes me usually a few days: - I design 3 to 5 main parts (plus introduction and conclusion) - I break each down into (usually) three chapters - I break down each chapter into three sections - I invent 3 questions for each section. Having the outline ready, writing a book comes down to answering the questions. I write very untidily ignoring most of the grammar rules and the proper sentences' syntax. When the raw draft is ready I read it once again, then reverse-outline it, then I try to make it more precise and concise. What comes out of this process I call a first draft. It's sent to my editor, who makes it readable for native English speakers. I share the second draft with my beta-readers, incorporate their feedback and from that moment on, the work on the book become more hands-off: - one more turn of edition done by a different editor - I go through his changes and approve most of them and include some more changes based upon his feedback - proofreading - I go through proofreader's changes and approve most of them In parallel to the editing process the book's title, description and cover are devised. Once everything is ready I upload the book on Amazon. 7. Which of your books is your favorite and why? That's a tough challenge. How can I discern between my babies? Maybe the first one, because it opened for me the door to self-publishing. And it's the most "sticky" of my books. By that I mean that it has never sold less than 20 copies a month and it's 2 years old. 8. What of your books was the hardest to write and why? The fourth one- "Release Your Kid's Dormant Genius." It's a short book about how I and my son were able to turn around his grades and school performance by a few simple daily practices. I felt very vulnerable sharing not only my own, but also his story. 9. What current projects are you working on or are in the back burner in some stage of development? I always write another book. I have a few in the queue. The next one is about Kindle Gold Rush and is in the post-production stage. I plan to publish it about the beginning of June 2015. Another project in the late stage of development is a compilation of 100 real perseverance stories about people from different continents, nations, genders, religions and occupations. It is the first book where I co-author. And I work on the series of books under the code name "The Pursuit of Success." I had 4 volumes at the stage of raw draft and I'm writing the fifth one. I have also a few outlines and unfinished projects (read: only a few chapters written). 10. In your writing you frequently mention your faith community. Do you see yourself writing a book on spirituality or spiritual development? Frankly, no. I leave that for pastors and priests. The closest thing to the spiritual work I wrote is an article analyzing Catholic Church's teaching about progress. I wrote it in Polish to clarify my own thoughts upon the subject. 11. If you could only recommend 10 books to a reader looking to be a well-rounded and whole person what books would you suggest? "The Slight Edge" which changed my personal philosophy. "The Science of Getting Rich" which taken literally is a bit of Law of Attraction kind of fairytale (and downright heretical), but conveys a solid philosophy on getting rich, which convinced me. "Manuscript on Purgatory", a very enlightening book about afterlife. From now on it starts to be difficult. I'm an avid reader I could spit of dozens of titles and I can't to constrict it to just 10. 12. All of your books are available in electronic formats, but with that comes bootleg distribution. What are your impressions of eBooks and the distribution of them through torrents and other illegal means? I'm stoked about it! I want to put my books in hands of as many readers as possible. Torrents and such hopefully do for me the free advertisement. And believe me when I'm telling this, because I was on the "dark side" myself: people who download from such sources wouldn't have bought my books anyway. It's a pure free marketing. 13. Have you thought about releasing your books through Amazon's print on demand service for those who still prefer physical books? Nowadays all of my books are available in print and can be ordered on Amazon or Create Space. 14. What fitness books or authors to you recommend? None. When I was pursuing my weight loss quest I hadn't used any books, just the free resources on the Internet. I'm really not into fitness. I have a few friends in this kind of business and I know all of them are no-nonsense folks: Derek Doepker, Aquilah Norazman, James Mayfield, Matt Stone. But honestly, I didn't follow their advice when designing my own fitness regime. 15. Other than your own writings what books or authors would your recommend for personal development? A few classics: Stephen R. Covey, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy. However Jim and Zig had both a knack for speaking and I prefer their audio programs. And the whole new wave of indie authors. Learning from icons is fine and good, but you can relate much better to people who are just slightly ahead of you. Rob Leonardo has one book on self-confidence; which is like the distilled wisdom about the subject. Timo Kiander studies productivity and has a few books about this topic. S.J. Scott does a terrific job of teaching habits development. And there is a lot more such authors. 16. Outside of writing and fitness, what are some of your hobbies or pastimes? My writing is my passion. Aside from it I don't have other selfish pleasures. I consider them a waste of time. If I don't write or work, I spent time with my family or my church community. 17. What faith based books or authors would you recommend to readers who like your book? Two kinds. First, what I said about new wave of indies in personal development is true also for spiritual reading. We need authenticity and integrity first and foremost. I believe that those who provide that are golden, whatever they write about. If you can feel a real person on the other side of the book, its message comes through more efficient and direct. And "faith based books?" Learn from those who achieved. Read the works of saints. Not about them or the miracles they performed (however such books are valuable too), but the books actually written by saints. I most highly appreciate their diaries, journals and autobiographies. 18. If you were stuck on a desert island and could only have 10 books to read again and again, what books would you want with you? I don't qualify the Bible as a common book, but in such case I would definitely have wanted to have it there. I read "The Science of Getting Rich" and "Manuscript on Purgatory" every day so they are the next two choices. The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz The Diary by Saint Faustina Kowalska Personal notes of Saint John Paul II. Story of a Soul by Saint Teresa The Dialogue" by Saint Catherine of Siena The Road by Cormak McCarthy 19. What advice would you give to aspiring authors and artists? Start now. Persevere. Never stop. This very morning I've referred to my vision board from two years ago. I had on it the cover of my first book and the mock cover of "The Fitness Expert Next Door," which hadn't been published yet at that moment. Now I have eight books which have been published. My beginnings were humble. In the first 5 months I sold just 145 copies of my books. I sold more than that in the last week. Nothing is instantaneous. Success is a process. Work every day on your craft, that's the prerequisite and raw material of your success. I know I am hooked on Michal's books and know you will be if you give them a chance. They range from 60-200 pages but are packed full of great information and advice much like this interview. So go grab one of his books and give it a try.
Amber Juice Nice basic juice can enjoy any time of day, or on any day. Ingredients: 1 Carrot 1/2 Head Red Cabbage 4 Celery Stalks 1 Lime with Skin Handful or red Grapes 2 Large Handfuls of Spinach Directions: Wash all and juice. Strong flavour but good blend.
I will continue to post new recipes from time to time on Saturday as I experiment with Smoothie and Juice recipes. And I collect mine and favourites from around the web you can find them shared here in aOneNote notebook, there are subsections for Juices, Smoothies, Gluten Free Options and Other.
Over the last 25 years I have tried numerous protein powders, bars, shakes and more. I am always looking for that perfect product; it needs great taste, value, consistency. These bars meet those requirements and exceeds them. Now to be honest I received a free sample of these bars, and have known the creator and owner of StrongBars almost my whole life. But this is one of the best products I have ever had. So read on and find out why.
Phil Armstrong has created this superior product because he could not find anything on the market to meet his needs. As someone who excels in Cross Fit, and Spartan races he needed better fuel then he was finding off the shelf. Take a look at the nutritional information (see image). They declare: "Our signature protein bar Pure Strength leads the Strongbars Nutrition product line. We want to inspire you while also offering clean, healthy nutritional supplements that use only high-quality pure protein and simple organic ingredients (with no brackets on the ingredient list)." And they do that with amazing taste to boot. Currently they are made in small batches and manufactured in Canada. Also they only ship to Ontario and Quebec but expansion is planned. On the corporate website it states: "StrongBars Nutrition was founded on the belief that life is to be enjoyed, not endured. We want to inspire you to reach new levels of joy and excellence by overcoming self-doubt, taking action, and exceeding your expectations of yourself." Phil does that and these bars can be a great tool in your own nutritional and fitness arsenal.
These bars are smaller than most I have had before. They are roughly 1.5x2 X.25 inch in size. They come in at 150 calories and 9 grams of protein per bar. They can be used individually are a supplement or I used 2 as a meal replacement. And the price point beats almost everything on the market. But when you factor in the flavor, organic sources it really is the best price you will get for a product of this quality. They currently come in packs of 2, 15, or 25 even with shipping and taxes they come in at under $2 per bar for the 25 pack. Like I said the best bar for the price you will ever get. And my sample was shipped to me and was in the mail on a very hot day and there were no issues with the product at all.
So go order a bag or if you are still hesitant order the 2 pack sample and give them a try. I know they are excellent. And if you are not satisfied they guarantee to make it right!
G Triple C - Ginger, Celery, Carrot and Citrus Awesome color and flavor. Zest was a little strong modify recipe to reflect better result. Ingredients: 4 inch piece fresh Ginger 2 Large Carrots 4 Celery Stalks 1 Pine Grapefruit with Skin removed 1 Large Orange with Skin removed 1 Lemon with half of skin removed 1 Lime with skin removed 1 Lime with skin Directions: Wash all and juice. Really refreshing juice, nice smooth taste. Will definitely do again!
I will continue to post new recipes from time to time on Saturday as I experiment with Smoothie and Juice recipes. And I collect mine and favourites from around the web you can find them shared here in aOneNote notebook, there are subsections for Juices, Smoothies, Gluten Free Options and Other.
Learn to Read with Great Speed! Only 10 minutes a day! How to Change Your Life in 10 Minutes a Day Book 2 Michal Stawicki ISBN 9781500811976 ASIN B00G3EBDA8 When someone heard I was reading this book they asked why. I read on average over 100 books a year. My reading speed is over 400 words per minute. But it was not always that way. I have a dual form of dyslexia and came out of grade 7 reading at a grade 3 level and went into grade 8 reading at a University level because I spent my whole summer break in school learning how to read. With this book you can achieve that in just 10 minutes a day! My answer was threefold, first I am always looking to improve and grown and second I often get asked for book reconditions for people looking to read more. And third I have loved all of Michal's books that I have read and want to read his complete cannon. Up until now I would always recommend either The Coles Notes Your Guide To Speed Reading or Teach Yourself Speed Reading from the Work Smarter series. Both of which I have read and recommended to numerous people who have had success in increasing their reading speed. But now my first pick now will be Michal's book! Like the other books in the 10 Minutes a Day series this book follows a simple format but presents a lot of great information in a small concise package. The sections in the book are: Introduction 10 Minutes Speed Reading Obstacles Techniques Program Free Resources The Stories Nathaniel's Story My Story Conclusion Early on Michal states: "Your background, your education, your interests, your general knowledge - all these factors influence your reading speed, because they determine your vocabulary and your reading confidence." And from my previous reading and experience that is very true. But based on Michal's story: "I'm living proof that a 10-minute practice can be fruitful. I can read more than 50% of what I read a year ago within the same time. I can read 90 minutes a day (including the speed reading practices) and still read the same amount of text that used to take me two hours to read a year ago." And that can be true for you also. So pick up the book and give it a try. As Michal declares "Value your time. Your time is your life. Start today, grab a book and use your finger as a pointer, or read and simultaneously pat your thigh rhythmically. Just for ten minutes. Discover that there is no magic in speed reading and keep practicing." And who knows what your reading speed may become, you will have more time to read or for other activities. Basically it is a win win situation for you.
How To Do A Handstand:
Learn To Balance A Fearless Handstand In 20 Days Or Less Robin Peter Zander
Zander Publishing
Few books that I can recall ever reading were as disappointing as this one. This book was the first Kindle book that I have read after reading it completely. Basically the book is a short paragraph and then a link to a youtube video. The descriptions of the youtube video's overlap with the content in the book for that specific chapter. So you pay for the ebook and get links to publically available videos on the author's channel.
If you ever watched Friends, and how most of the gang respond to Janice's voice is like listening to Robin's video's. The only reasons I gave the book a 1 star and not 0 star rating, is that my reaction to his voice I know will not be all people's and second, some people might actually be able to use this to learn to do handstand. Second you cannot actually give it less than 1 star. For me it just would not work and paying for links to public video's seems ridiculous.
So my opinion of this book is it is less of a book and a brochure you buy with links to the real content.
Greatly disappointed and really cannot recommend it to anyone. I cant even give it an A for effort.
This post has been redacted because of personal conviction. I would appreciate if you say a prayer for me. Oh, Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires. Oh, Saint Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your Divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most Loving of Fathers. Oh, Saint Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss his fine head for me and ask him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath. Saint Joseph, Patron of departed souls – pray for me. Amen
More Veggies #2 This almost tastes like a homemade V8. Some subtle differences between this and #1 bot both are really good. Ingredients: 1/2 Bunch Fresh parsley 2 Green Onions 1 Kiwi with Skin 2 Large carrots 1 Red Beet 1 Beefsteak Tomato 5 Stalks Green Kale 5 Stalks Red Kale 1/2 Head Bok Choy Directions: Wash all and juice. Really refreshing juice, nice thick taste. Will definitely do again!
I will continue to post new recipes from time to time on Saturday as I experiment with Smoothie and Juice recipes. And I collect mine and favourites from around the web you can find them shared here in aOneNote notebook, there are subsections for Juices, Smoothies, Gluten Free Options and Other.
The Art of Persistence: Stop Quitting, Ignore Shiny Objects and Climb Your Way to Success Michal Stawicki ISBN 1511520329 ASIN B00UFGN128 This book showed up in my Amazon recommendations. I am very thankful that it did. Now at first I was hesitant to buy this book based on the price point, number of pages and not knowing the author. But at the time his book The Fitness Expert Next Door (How to Change Your Life in 10 Minutes a Day) was available for free on Amazon. I read it and loved it. I have read 5 of Stawicki's 8 books in the last few weeks and will finish the remaining books soon. One of the quotes from this book that grabbed me most was "Understand that each decision or action in your life could be the beginning of a change in direction." Reading this book can be one of those decisions for you! Some reviews of Michal's books criticize the English. And Michal admits that his native tongue is not English, but he does an excellent job communicating. And the few rough phrasings are more than made up for by the quality of the content. In another review I compare his writings to those of Robin Sharma, Stephen R. Covey, Dan Millman and John C. Maxwell. This book is short, concise and relays some great information. And it is not just head knowledge it is knowledge that Michal has gained from making changes in his own life. The power of story, his story, and stories he uses of others to give examples beyond his own can motivate you to making changes in your own life. The chapters in this book are: 1. The Instant Gratification Curse 2. Closing the Gap 3. Definition 4. Four Lessons from a Millionaire 5. The Significance of Consistency - Paco 6. Two Kinds of Motivation 7. Utilizing Motivation - Ellyn 8. Purpose 9. Purposeful Motivation 10. Mission - Teri 11. Personal Philosophy 12. Shape Your Philosophy 13. Cornerstones - Ludvig 14. Tiny Habits 15. Tracking 16. Focus - Stan 17. No Blueprint Summary Each chapter has the main teaching points and then a Knowledge Items summary at the end, and some have action items so you can start putting the tips into practice. I found I copied a number of these Knowledge summaries as reminders of next steps. On page 22 he states "Intention, attitude, and commitment determine your consistency" This knowledge point was one of the most impactful for me in the book. He also provides links to some other articles, TED talks and other resources to go deeper on some of the key teachings. Later in the book he declares "If you wanted to walk north, you would follow a compass. The compass needle would show you the way. Reason-powered motivation is your internal compass, always pointing you north. It's the real reason for starting and continuing a discipline. It is a values-driven decision from deep inside that you want a certain result. Some days you will not feel much like going out and working toward it. The flames in your fire may be burning low from time to time, particularly after a big discouragement. But the fire never goes out. You can't depend on emotion-based motivation to fuel consistency. Depending on emotional motivation is a recipe for catastrophe as emotions are not constant. Rather, you should place much more reliance on reason-fueled motivation. The real reasons for a journey don't just disappear in one instant. Your ambition to go "north" will motivate you to keep going when the going gets tough. It can back you up when you lose your hope. It can add a needed pinch of passion to your mundane activities, which will make them interesting enough that you continue your journey. It may save your life literally and metaphorically." Further on he says: "You can do this too. Motivate yourself with purpose-driven self-talk and reflection every day, and you will enjoy a fresh source of sustained energy that will propel you towards your goals. Motivation is a powerful tool. Look for ways to motivate yourself into action by drawing strength from the inspiration that comes from your ideas and the power that comes from your beliefs and values." From these two and the following quote "A life purpose is so powerful because, as its name says, it's a part of your whole life. It's always deep in your heart and will support you in your struggles" we get the main point of his argument. In order for changes to take hold, for them to last and become habits the desire to change needs to be values based, and not just passion based. From that values centred if you can craft your life purpose, and work towards it every day it will fuel the journey and drive the change even when you hit the hard times. What is your purpose, are you striving towards something or just existing? Michal says: "Your personal philosophy is your life attitude, which is formed by all of your past experiences and the meanings you gave them. It's your accumulated life knowledge and wisdom. As you become aware that you have an attitude towards life, you can systematically investigate and develop it using your analytic abilities. Unfortunately, not many people do this. For most people, their personal philosophy is just something that has molded itself through various life experiences rather than something they deliberately shaped." Are you willing to work to find your purpose and then pursue it? If so this book and his book A Personal Mission Statement: Your Road Map to Happiness will help you along that path. Some of the best advice in the books is: "Here are some ways we can work at the detail level to improve your general capacity to be consistent: 1. Make it as enjoyable as possible. 2. Make your goal public knowledge. 3. Make time for the activity you want to undertake. 4. Don't set the bar too high too early. 5. Make it easy to say yes (or no). 6. Track your progress. 7. Make decisions now." Michal declares: "If you really want to be satisfied in your life, to say goodbye to your frustrations, you must start enjoying the process of achievement, not just the destination itself." So grab this book and start that journey, and if you are already on it, it will likely help you forward. "Realize this: there is no magic formula that ensures results through processes you will always enjoy. Keeping your focus on being consistent is often plain hard work. But if you don't get at least some satisfaction from the steps along the way, your chances for staying consistent in your efforts will lessen rapidly." So get the book and let's get to work!