Wednesday 29 July 2015

The Ultimate Guide To Rebounding Exercise - Richard Bell

The Ultimate Guide To Rebounding Exercise
How To Use A Mini Trampoline Rebounder To Transform Your Health And Fitness
Richard Bell
Amazon Digital Services

To be honest this book was not bad, but it was not great either. After finishing it - it felt sort of ho-hum. Other than chapter 6 on Advanced rebounding exercises there was little in the book you could not quickly find on numerous websites with information on rebounding or use of mini trampolines. Other than this information being radially available on numerous websites the book also included no pictures. For a book on fitness practice I found this highly unusual and extremely disappointing.

The sections in the book are as follows:

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Rebounding Exercise
Chapter 2 Benefits of Rebounding exercise
Chapter 3 FAQ
Chapter 4 Tips
Chapter 5 Rebounding for beginners
Chapter 6 Advanced rebounding exercise
Chapter 7 Special considerations

I did give this book a 3 out of 5 stars even with my issues, that was in part because the writing is very good, excellent grammar and formatting. But as stated other than Chapter 6 it was really a waste of time. Comparing it to 3 other books I have read on this topic this was the weakest in terms of both content and delivery of that content the complete lack of photo's. The book reads as a collection of information gathered from other sources and with no photo's little effort or work was put into the compilation of the content. If I were you I would just skip this one and try one of the other offerings.

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