Wednesday 23 September 2015

Mythmaker - Marianne de Pierres - Peacemaker #2

Peacemaker #2
Marianne de Pierres 
Angry Robot
ISBN 9780857664204

I was waiting months and months for Advance Reader's Copies of this book to come out. That is one of the big problems with getting review copies it is that much longer until the next book in a series publishes. I kept checking again and again to see if Angry Robot had review copies available. When it finally showed up boy oh boy was I excited. I could not wait to see what Virgin Jackson and Nate Sixkiller would get up to next. I was not disappointed.

These books read like a cross between old Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns fused with Robert A. Heinlein, Frank Herbert or Alfred Bester. It is an awesome mix of western, soft science fiction and a strong bent to religious studies or spiritual realities. The three authors mentioned above all among my all time favourites going back to when I was just a teen gorging on any book I could get my hands on, and comparing de Pierres to them is among the highest praise I can give.  

This book continues almost immediately after book 1 - Peacemaker. Virgin is still stuck between a rock and a hard place. She has been black mailed by her mother to work for a government organization; the CJIC. Her mother that she did not even know was alive. She still has a murder charge hanging over her head and a cop that does not want to seem to let it go. And it seems that with every day her life and responsibilities get more and more complicated. With such problems as a bounty on her head, an escalation in Mythos sightings and discovering her mostly estranged brother is somehow involved with this whole situation is not making Virgin's life any easier. And for someone who would prefer to spend most of her time alone on her horse patrolling the preserve she is spending far more time with way more people then she really wants to. 

This story seems to have both a fast and a slow pace. Part of it is the back and forth between extreme action and trying to figure things out. We get to know both Virgin and Nate better and have an even greater appreciation for them and what motivates them. They are very well written characters. The pace of the story is great and when you hit the end you are desperate for more. So hopefully there will be at least a third book of not more in the series.

This was an awesome read and I highly recommend the series, but unlike some series this one should really be read in order. One of my top reads of 2015 out of the 113 books read by the writing of this review.

Books by Marianne de Pierres:
Peacemaker series:


Parrish Plessis series:
Nylon Angel
Code Noir
Crash Deluxe

Sentients of Orion series:
Dark Space
Chaos Space
Mirror Space
Transformation Space

Burn Bright YA series:
Burn Bright
Angel Arias
Shine Light

Other books:
Glitter Rose 
Serious Sas and Messy Megda

Books as Marianne Delacourt:
Sharp Shooter
Sharp Turn
Stage Fright


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