Wednesday 13 January 2016

None of Your Beeswax - Courtney Sheinmel - Stella Batts Book 7

None of Your Beeswax
Stella Batts Book 7
Courtney Sheinmel (Author)
Jennifer A. Bell (Illustrator)
Sleeping Bear Press
ISBN 9781585368532

I will be honest I sometimes start a series of children's books out of order to see if the books can stand alone. If a book later in the series can stand alone I am more likely to give the series a chance. To be honest I cannot remember how I first encountered the Stella Batts books, either a review from a blog I follow or a recommendation based on one of the book sites I use. But I thought it was a series my oldest daughter would be interested in so I gave this book a go. I was very happy with the results. These are very realistic reads. I have now started them with my daughter and she is as enthusiastic as I am about reading them.

The book starts off with Stella sharing "7 Things You Should Know About Me: Batts:
1. My name is Stella. (Oops, you knew that already.)
2. I'm eight years old.
3. I live in Somers, California, with my mom, my dad, my sister, Penny, and my baby brother, Marco.
4. My family owns a candy store called Batts Confections-we named it that because Batts is our last name and confections is a fancy word for candy.
5. Of all the things they sell at Batts Confections, fudge is my very favorite.
6. Some of my other favorite things are dolphins, the TV show Superstar Sam, and the color purple, since that was the color of my dress at Aunt Laura's wedding.
7. Okay this is number seven-did you know that this is my SEVENTH book, and did you know seven is a lucky number? I don't know why. But it doesn't matter, because it's time to get on with the story."

This book is the seventh in the series and currently there are 8 books available. In this book Stella discovers that secrets can be a bad thing. Even if the intent of the secret was good in can be very harmful. Stella deals with secrets about a pet that dies, a new2 surprise at their family store, and a secret project for a school assignment. Read and learn how she comes to terms with making a promise that in hindsight does not see that wise. And to some extent all of the secrets cause her problems, either at home, with her friends, in her class and more.

It was great reading a book that was so realistic. I think they will be great reads to share with my kids and friends of the family. I look forward to reading more of Stell's adventures and even trying some other books by Courtney Sheinmel.

Books by: Courtney Sheinmel:
Stella Batts:

Stella Batts Needs A New Name
Stella Batts Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
Stella Batts Pardon Me
Stella Batts A Case of the Meanies
Stella Batts Who's in Charge?
Stella Batts Something Blue
Stella Batts None of Your Beeswax
Stella Batts Superstar

Stella Batts Scaredy Cat
Stella Batts Broken Birthday

The Kindness Club:
The Kindness Club
Designed by Lucy

Agnes and Clarabelle Series :
Agnes and Clarabelle
Agnes and Clarabelle Celebrate

Other Books:
My So-Called Life
All the Things You Are

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