Thursday 17 March 2016

Becoming The Best Version Of Yourself - Matthew Kelly

Becoming The Best Version Of Yourself
Matthew Kelly
Lighthouse Catholic Media

Over the last few years I have encountered Matthew Kelly in numerous ways. First the ministry he help found Dynamic Catholic, and specifically the daily email and also the advent and lent devotions. Second through his books, I have read parts of a number and read a few completely. All of his books are excellent. This is the first longer audio file I have done and it is amazing. 

Matthew states: "God wants us to become the best version of yourself. That is his dream for you. God wants you to become the best version of yourself. God doesn't want you to become some second rate version of your parents. He doesn't want you to become a second rate version of your brothers and sisters. God doesn't want you to become some second rate version of your friends. And God want's us to stop being second rate versions of ourselves." And then he goes on to give a number of practical examples of how to move in that direction. 

One of the key teachings is that "God wants us to become the vest version of ourselves, and that is the fundamental principle of life, of Christianity, spirituality and when we understand this fundamental principle everything else makes sense." And Matthew through the examples gives us multiple tools to help us learn to grow to live this principal. 

Matthew mentions that books can change out life. He has over 2000 books in his office, but has a special shelf of 37 books that are his life changes, that he goes back to. He also has a list of 10 books he recommends as a starting point. Matthew challenges us to spend 10 minutes a day every day for the next year with a good book. And a good book meets the fundamental principle. If we understand that fundamental principal and evaluate everything in our life by it we will be changed. 

It is so true that 90% of the Happiness and 90% of the misery in our life comes from our choices. Learn to start choosing the options that will lead to the best version of ourselves. It is what we were created for, it is what we were put here for it is the true meaning of life. I have listened to this three times through and recommended it to a few close friends. It is an awesome resource.

Books by Matthew Kelly:
I Know Jesus
The Long View
Decision Point: The Workbook
Decision Point: The Leader Guide
The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic
The One Thing
Off Balance: Getting Beyond the Work-Life Balance Myth to Personal and Professional Satisfaction
Why Am I Here?
Perfectly Yourself: 9 Lessons for Enduring Happiness
Perfectly Yourself Discovering God's Dream For You
Building Better Families: A Practical Guide to Raising Amazing Children
The Dream Manager
The Seven Levels of Intimacy: The Art of Loving and the Joy of Being Loved
The Rhythm of Life: Living Every Day with Passion and Purpose
Building Better Families - 5 Practical Ways to Build Family Spirituality
The Book of Courage
The Shepherd: A Modern Parable about Our Search for Happiness
Mustard Is Persecution, Matthew Kelly Foundation
A Call to Joy - Living in the Presence of God
The Rhythm of Life: An Antidote For Our Busy Age
Words from God
Resisting Happiness
The Narrow Path
Our Father
The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity
Why I Love Being Catholic
Good Night, Jesus
In a world where you can be anything ...

Beautiful ... Series:

Rediscover Books by Matthew Kelly:
Rediscover Catholicism: A Spiritual Guide to Living with Passion & Purpose
Rediscover Advent
Rediscover Lent
Rediscover Jesus: An Invitation
Rediscover the Rosary: The Modern Power of an Ancient Prayer
Rediscover the Saints

Audio by Matthew Kelly from Lighthouse Media:
Becoming The Best Version Of Yourself
The Best Way To Live
Don't Just Try, Train
Faith At Work & The Holy Moment
The Four Signs Of A Dynamic Catholic - Excerpt
The Jesus Question
My Spiritual Journey
Our Lives Change When Our Habits Change
Raising Amazing Children
The Seven Levels Of Intimacy
The Seven Pillars Of Catholic Spirituality

(Note: this books is part of a series: A Year of Reading Intention - Catholic Reading!)

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