Friday 4 March 2016

Lenten Meditation with Fulton J. Sheen

Lenten Meditation with Fulton J. Sheen
Fulton J. Sheen
Liguori Publications
ISBN 9780764863912

When I first bought this book to read it during Lent I was a little disappointed. Flipping through it all the selections were short. I was looking for something deeper or longer. But the book was a great surprise. It is intended to be read over lent, but I found I could not stop, so I have read it through twice now reading 2 devotions each day morning an evening. The book is a collection of  40 short meditation's each following the same format; a quote from Fulton J. Sheen, and a bible passage that speaks to the same theme. An example and one of the one's that really hit me is:

Day 32

Sanctify the Moment

Those who sanctify the moment and offer it up in union with God's will never become frustrated- never grumble or complain. They overcome all obstacles by making them occasions of prayer and channels of merit. What were constrictions are thus made opportunities for growth.


When reviled, we bless; when persecuted, we endure; when slandered, we speak kindly.
1 Corinthians 4: 12- 13

Though compiled to be used over Lent this devotional could be used for anyone wanting a 40 day retreat lead by Fulton J. Sheen. The brevity of the meditations means that they can be reread a few times throughout the day. I read them at morning and evening. But you could do that or even add a third reading. This was a great collection and jumping off point if you have not read Sheen before and if you have as a reminder. I look forward to reading this again and also the companion volume Advent Meditations with Fulton J. Sheen. It is a wonderful little book!

Books by Fulton J. Sheen:
God and Intelligence in Modern Philosophy
The Seven Last Words
Philosophy of Science
The Eternal Galilean
Calvary and the Mass
The Cross and the Beatitudes
Communism and the Conscience of the West
Peace of Soul
Three to Get Married
Life Is Worth Living Series 1-5
Way to Happiness
Way to Inner Peace 
Life of Christ
Missions and the World Crisis
The Power of Love
Footprints in a Darkened Forest
Lenten and Easter Inspirations
Treasure in Clay: The Autobiography of Fulton J. Sheen
God's World and Our Place In It
The World's First Love

Books About Fulton J. Sheen:

(Note: this books is part of a series: A Year of Reading Intention - Catholic Reading!)

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