Friday 15 April 2016

Our Father - Sabrina Bus and Xavier Deneux

Our Father
Sabrina Bus (Author)
Leslie Mathews (Translator)
Xavier Deneux (Illustrator)
Eerdmans Books for Young Readers
ISBN 9780802853134

We have had two books by Sabrina Bus in our house for over a decade, since our oldest was very young. They were a gift from a friend of the family. Even though they are simple board books they are still often read and are treasured by our three children. I myself loved the books from the first reading and even today after hundreds of readings enjoy them.

The book is sort of done in three parts. The first is the Our Father Prayer done in script across the top of the pages, the second is the illustrations, and the third is the text at the bottom of the pages explaining that specific line in the prayer.

This book is a wonderful teaching tool. As mentioned the children love it. They know the prayer by heart but still read the book. Sometimes they read through the prayer, sometimes the book text and sometimes both together. The illustrations are wonderful as you can see by the example below. I highly recommend this book and its companion Hail Mary.

(Note: in doing researching for this review I found that there are number of other books by the author and illustrator available in French, it is a pity they are not available in English.)

Books by Sabrina Bus:
In English:
Our Father
Hail Mary

In French:
Notre Père
Je vous salue, Marie
Mes premières prières du soir
Les fêtes chrétiennes
Arche de Noé pop-up

In Italian:
Ave Maria
Padre Nostro

In Spanish:
El Arca de Noe

Die Arche Noah

(Note: this books is part of a series: A Year of Reading Intention - Catholic Reading!)

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