Wednesday 4 May 2016

Basic Field Manual for Hearing God's Voice - Philip Kosloski

Basic Field Manual for Hearing God's Voice:
11+ Ways to Distinguish Between God's Voice, Satan's Voice and My Voice
Philip Kosloski
Philip A. Kosloski

I do not even recall how I came across this book, it might have been recommended based on other books I had read or bought. But to be honest you cannot beat the price. The ebook is available for a very reasonable rate. In many ways it reminds me of a bible track or 4 Spiritual Laws booklets that were used for evangelization by non-denomination groups when I was at university. It is a very short volume. But in reality has a pretty solid message.

The main focus of the book is to be a guide to help us in growth of discernment during our times of prayer and meditation. The main focus is that we hear four voices when we pray, two are internal and two are external. The internal one's or distractions and or our own wish fulfilment, the external are either Satan trying to lead us astray or the authentic voice of God speaking to us and guiding us. In the introduction the author states: "As always, I suggest taking everything to a trusted spiritual director, who acts as God's instrument and can help you sift out what is true and what is false. I hope this short eBook gives you the clarity you are searching for." And even for someone who has prayed for years there are some good tips in this book worth pursuing. Through the rest of the book Philip gives clear concise teaching, drawing heavily upon saints and church tradition to help us learn how to discern between the four voices. He draws extensively from Saint Ignatius and he has an amazing quote from Father Jacques Philippe.

One of the greatest strengths of the book is the two page appendix, it gives some amazing jumping off points to go deeper on the lessons taught in this book. Of the 22 books recommended I have read a few but after encountering quotes in this book have added a few more of them to my to be read pile. This book was a good enough read at such a great price point that as soon as I finished it I bought another of his and immediately read it also!

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