Monday 9 May 2016

Exodus - A.J. Gillette - Geoterra Book 1

Geoterra Book 1
A.J. Gillette
Hidden Lake Press

There is a new name on the horizon in Canadian Science Fiction and that name is A.J. (Alfred) Gillette. The first three books are now available in this amazing new series. These books mainly written during National Novel Writing Month Competition (NaNoWriMo) in various years are now seeing the light of day, and if the first book is anything to judge by this will be a truly wonderful series to read. The writing is like a cross between Harry Harrison, Spider Robinson and Robert J. Sawyer. Fred has a computer science background but his writings so far is not a tech focused as Asimov and is more story telling driven.

The story begins just outside of Ottawa when Alfred Joseph Freeman, Joe wins a very very big lottery. He decides he will focus his time and effort on creating a new communications system. Being above average intelligence, and better than most at what he focused his time on, he soon consumed all he could about wormholes and quantum entanglements. His discovery would change earth and life for all humans in ways they could never imagine.  After first contact is established humans are given an option to either join space faring or stay separated. A new one earth government decides to join and things start changing very fast.

Joe soon realized that maybe earth made a mistake and finding out others with similar sentiment soon puts together a plan. Working with a team they plan and prepare to execute the greatest mission humans have ever undertaken.

This is a pretty face paced story. At first some of the different story arcs seam pretty separate much like a Tom Clancy novel, but when they start to come together you wonder how you failed to see it coming. There are some great characters, some face paced action. To be honest the story was so good that when I finished I did not wait to write a review as I usually force myself to do, but immediately started on book two.

These books have great writing and I really look  forward to seeing where the series will go. The only drawback is we only have 3 of the nine planned books available so it will soon be a waiting game. Check them out and for the price you cannot go wrong.  

The books are available on both Kindle and Kobo.

Books by A.J. Gillette:
Geoterra Series:

#1 Exodus
#2 Journey
#3 Arrival
#4 Chaos
#6 Order
#7 Geoterra
#8 NewTerra

Other books by A.J. Gillette:
Being Yeti

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