Monday 20 June 2016

A Personal Mission Statement - Michal Stawicki - Your Road Map to Happiness

A Personal Mission Statement: 
Your Road Map to Happiness
Michal Stawicki
ISBN 9781508505969

I have read this book 4 times over the last year. My initial reaction was to state that "I would compare Michal to Robin Sharma, Stephen R. Covey, Dan Millman and John C. Maxwell. It is a mix of some incredible insight, great tips, practice advice and some good steps to get you there." The reason I read through it 4 times was to really work on the material and craft my own personal mission statement. A few years ago I had a co-worker ask me what I was my greatest achievements, he through I would say degrees, certifications, projects at work. I surprised him when I said, being a good husband, being a good father, brother friend. This book helped take some of those areas of life and more and focus them. It was a process, and took months for me to hone and craft it into something not vague, that was succinct and meaningful. And Michal provided guidance along the whole journey. 

Michal starts, as always by teaching from his own experience. He states "I share with you what my personal mission statement creation process looked like. In that example, I show you which points I consider vital in the creation of a mission statement in general." He also draws often from the late Jim Rohn. Stawicki leaping off from Rohn declares: "Jim Rohn said that the natural order of things is to chisel your character first and the success comes from your character. To chisel your inner self, you first need to know yourself. I think a personal mission statement is the best road map to build your character and consequently your success, however you define it. 
A personal mission statement is your philosophy, your creed. "It focuses on what you want to be (character) and what you want to do (contributions and achievements), and on the values or principles upon which being and doing are based." It is supposed to allow you to state your own constitution based on your deepest values, so you can lead life premised on them." And that is where our journey begins, with finding our purpose: "A personal mission statement is about your life's purpose. This purpose determines the quality and quantity of your life. Literally."

Speaking about that purpose Michal quotes Victor Frankal and expands upon Frankal's though: "Victor Frankl was convinced that every human being has his/ her unique life's purpose. Maybe you even agree with that statement. But it's not enough to know it exists. To have the vague feeling of your mission. What you need is a concrete purpose. You need to know by heart the exact words which will guide you through everyday decisions. Thus, you need a personal mission statement." Unfortunately many in life get stuck believe they have a purpose but never put in the time and effort to really figure out what it is.

Michal like us a just a regular Joe, a guy who has learned by trial and error and his had some great successes. He says "Most of us are just common folks who struggle with our fears, doubts, anxieties, past. We don't dream of being a hero, rescuing the world. We dream about a few sources of income to be able to support our families and look to the future with hope. To heal our relationships. To break up our addictions. To reduce the pile of our problems." And the purpose of a personal mission statement is to help narrow that list down and to really go to work on it. 

Michal wonders "Maybe in following your personal mission statement, you will grow beyond your wildest dreams.", or maybe we will just be happier, more content and more focused. Either way it is a win if we find ourselves living with renewed passion and purpose. But he is adamant in warning us that "Your personal mission statement is not a certificate of accomplishment to be put into the drawer. It is supposed to be your lens, starting point, the source of focus. Use it." And some of the ways he encourages us to use it are:

a) Read it every day. Or even better - read it several times a day.
b) Meditate upon it. It's the same story as with reading - make it a ritual and compose it into your schedule.
c) Listen to it. Record your personal mission statement and listen to it any time and any place you want
d) Visualize it. This is especially important if you included some future aspirations or desired changes in the mission statement.
e) Create a vision board. Find pictures and photos corresponding with your mission statement. Stick them to the board.
f) Make a mind movie. Its function is similar to a vision board - a mind movie is meant to fire up your imagination.

So go for it get the book, but in the work and let's see the places you will go. 

Books by Michal Stawicki:
The Art of Persistence: Stop Quitting, Ignore Shiny Objects and Climb Your Way to Success
A Personal Mission Statement: Your Road Map to Happiness
Trickle Down Mindset: The Missing Element In Your Personal Success

Slicing the Hype
99 Perseverance Success Stories: Encouragement for Success in Every Walk of Life
Power up Your Self-Talk: 6 Simple Habits to Stop Beating Yourself Up and Reclaim Your Life
99 Habit Success Stories

Six Simple Steps to Success
Simplify Your Pursuit of Success - Book 1
Know Yourself Like Your Success Depends on It - Book 2
Bulletproof Health and Fitness: Your Secret to High Achievement - Book 3
Making Business Connections That Count - Book 4
Directed by Purpose: How to Focus on Work That Matters, Ignore Distractions and Manage Your Attention over the Long Haul - Book 5

How to Change Your Life in 10 Minutes a Day Series:
The Fitness Expert Next Door - Book 1
Learn to Read with Great Speed! Only 10 minutes a day! - Book 2
Release Your Kid's Dormant Genius In Just 10 Minutes a Day: Parenting Your Smart Underachiever With Consistency and Love - Book 3
Master Your Time In 10 Minutes a Day: Time Management Tips for Anyone Struggling With Work-Life Balance  - Book 4
From Shy to Hi: Tame Social Anxiety, Meet New People, and Build Self-Confidence  - Book 5

Author Profile and Interview with Michal Stawicki

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