Friday 8 July 2016

Arrival - A.J. Gillette - Geoterra Book 3

Geoterra Book 3
A.J. Gillette
Hidden Lake Press


This was the third book I have read by Alfred Gillette. And to be honest based on those he has in the pipe I am looking forward too many more. The Geoterra books have a fun rhythm to them. They are part Spider Robinson Callahan's Saloon, Part Harry Harrison Stainless Steel Rat. But they also pay homage to a lot of science fiction styles and sub genre's. There are a lot of hat tip's to different series of books and tv shows, that make these really fun reads. 

This book has a bit of everything, and as such has something for everyone. You have a group of colonists from Earth hoping to start over with less technology and contact with other species. You have Vanian's - Vampires, You have Angel like beings, and giant whale like creatures who have been guiding and protecting the universe and are now about to move on and leave it in the hands of a new organization. And there are still pirates, a human who is really messing up the plans and goals of the other terran's. And when you add some guidance and visits from future versions of our many group and you have a really interesting adventure.

AJ's writing is a fun engaging style. I have really enjoyed discovering his books. And I really look forward to reading more in this series and some of the other books he has in the works. This was another great read so give the series a try!

The books are available on both Kindle and Kobo.

Books by A.J. Gillette:
Geoterra Series:

#1 Exodus
#2 Journey
#3 Arrival
#4 Chaos
#6 Order
#7 Geoterra
#8 NewTerra

Other books by A.J. Gillette:
Being Yeti

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