Tuesday 20 December 2016

Fire Star - Chris d'Lacey - The Last Dragon Chronicles #3

Fire Star The Last Dragon Chronicles #3
Chris d'Lacey
Orchard Books 
ISBN 9780439901857
eISBN 9780545365451

Chris d'Lacey is an amazing author! In just over a year I have read 25 books by him. To be honest I started this series and then set it aside to read a bunch of his other works, before returning to it, because of how many books were remaining. The Last Dragon Chronicles is an excellent series and this in a wonderful read. This book ramps up the action from the earlier books. 

This book continues from the earlier books. At the beginning David and Zanna are in the Artic on a research project. David continues to write and when the writings too closely resemble life he stops and ends up returning to Waverly Crescent. But things just keep getting stranger. The legends of the Bears and Dragons are again rising to light. A strange fire star is on the horizon. The witch has returned and plans on destroying David this time. An ancient evil the Fain is on the move. Lucy has been kidnapped by Gwilanna who appears to be back up to her old tricks, and maybe even worse. And a dragon has come to new life. 

So our adventure goes from Scrubbly to Alaska, then to the north of Scotland and back again. We travel in this book from home, to a research station, to a monastery, an Inuit community and on to a final battle on the ice. 

The best thing about this series is the characters, both the humans and the dragons. Watching them, following their adventures is great fun. It is interesting following the interactions between Lucy and Liz Pennykettle, daughter and mother, also their interactions with David Rain and his girlfriend Zanna Martindale. And even the grumpy neighbor Henry Bacon. And the dragons, oh what wonderful creatures, Gadzooks, G'reth, and even the new Gollygosh Golightly that is the first dragon to be created by …

Having read other series by d'Lacey with this one we see closer ties to The Erth Dragons, and even The UFiles series. This book was very hard to put down once it was started. And as each book in this series appears to be longer than the previous, thus my hesitation to get pulled in was valid. The nice thing is this series is finished so I can read through the remaining books without having to wait for more books. The interesting thing is that these books have sat on my shelf for years and were slowly added to until the series was finished. Yet I did not start it until last year. But that being said, this is another incredible book by d'Lacey in an amazing series. And I really look forward to reading the rest of the series. And also the remaining d'Lacey books I have yet to read.

Books by Chris d'Lacey:
Dragons of Wayward Crescent
Gruffen (2009)
Gauge (2008)
Glade (2009)
Grabber (2010)

The Erth Dragons
The Wearle (2015)
2. Dark Wyng (2016)
3. The New Age (2018)

The Last Dragon Chronicles with David Rain
The Fire Within (2001)
Icefire (2003)
3 Fire Star (2005)
4 The Fire Eternal (2007)
5 Dark Fire (2009)
6 Fire World (2011)
7 The Fire Ascending (2012)
Rain and Fire: A Guide to the Last Dragon Chronicles (2010)

The Unicorne Files
A Dark Inheritance (2014)
Alexander's Army (2015)
A Crown of Dragons (2016)

Fly, Cherokee Fly Series
Fly, Cherokee Fly
Pawnee Warrior

Other Books
Henry Spaloosh! 
Shrinking Ralph Perfect
The Snail Patrol
The Table Football League
Riverside United
From E to You
Scupper Hargreaves, Football Genie
The Salt Pirates of Skegness
Falling for Mandy
The Prompter

Picture Books:
A Hole at the Pole
Juggling with Jeremy
A Break in the Chain
Read With Bubble and Float
Dexter's Journey
Frankin's Bear

Contributed to:
On Me ‘ead, Santa
Nice One, Santa
The Usborne Book of Christmas Stories
Heroes and Villains
In the Frame
Midnight Feast

Author Profile and Interview with Chris d'Lacey.

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