Thursday 15 December 2016

here now a catholic guide to the good life - Amy Welborn

here. now.
a catholic guide to the good life
Amy Welborn
Our Sunday Visitor
ISBN 9781592761432
eISBN 9781612781105

This was the sixth book by Amy Welborn that I have read, and the third that I have reviewed. With each book that I read by her I have a greater appreciated for how she explains the faith. Her passion, honesty and devotion comes through in her writings.  This book was an incredible read and I have already put it back in my to be read pile to reread it again next year.

The chapters in the book are:
Introduction: Out of the Tombs
SECTION I: Here. Now
1. Center, Found
2. The Search Is On
3. More Good News
4. What He Said
5. Always
6. If You Must…
7. Hooking Up
8. Say Your Prayers
9. Where? What? How?
SECTION II: The Good Life
10. Life Before Death
11. It Hurts
12. Bodies and Souls
13. Lifetime
Further Reading
Stories For The Good Life

Amy really packs a lot into this volume. Maybe it comes from her years of teaching but this concise volume has a great deal of information, examples, and can really change your life if you are willing to let it. The book first and foremost encourages us as Catholics to become a people of the word, and not just on Sunday's. It encourages us to read and reread the gospels, to consider going to a weekday mass. To be intentional and to build a plan for our spiritual development. She states: "So yeah, we get it with the rest of life. Structure is not evil. We need it. God's no different. At any given moment, we can think of a million different things we'd rather do than sit down and face God with our true selves in prayer. Structure, habit, and commitment bring us back-and make it harder for us to avoid that real self." And further on comparing the discipline needed for the spiritual life to physical discipline she says: "But we know, obviously, that if you want to be healthy, you have to pay a price (most of us do, that is). You can't indulge your appetites. You have to sacrifice some pleasure. If you really appreciate being in shape, you're going to be spending time exercising, and even though it can be enjoyable, a good workout can also involve pain." And a big part of that is delayed gratification.

"Sacrifice, pain, deferred gratification = good."

This book along with others that I have read this year has helped me to really examine my life. To examine it in terms of what I am doing, why I am doing it and where it is leading me.

This book will really challenge readers who are open to it. If you read this book with an open heart, seeking Jesus, and listening to the holy spirit I am sure you will find you start making changes in your life. Some of those changes might be small. And some might be huge. But I doubt you can read this and not start to change, and to grow in your life in Christ Jesus.

This book was an amazing read and I highly recommend it!

Books by Amy Welborn:
Reconciled to God Daily Lenten Devotions
Wish You Were Here: Travels Through Loss and Hope
A Catholic Woman's Book of Days
de-Coding Da Vinci: The Facts Behind the Fiction of the Da Vinci Code
Loyola Kids Book of Saints
Loyola Kids Book of Heroes: Stories of Catholic Heroes and Saints throughout History
Prove It! God
Prove It! Church
Prove It! Jesus
Prove It! The Catholic Teen Bible
Here. Now. a Catholic Guide to the Good Life
The Words We Pray
Praying the Rosary: With the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries
Decoding Mary Magdalene: Truth, Legend, and Lies
Come Meet Jesus: An Invitation from Pope Benedict XVI
Be Saints! An Invitation from Pope Benedict XVI

Friendship with Jesus: Pope Benedict XVI talks to Children on Their First Holy Communion
Mary and the Christian Life: Scriptural Reflections on the First Disciple
Adventures in Assisi: On the Path with St. Francis: On the Path with St. Francis
Prepare Him Room: Advent Family Devotions
Daybreaks: Daily Reflections for Lent and Easter 

Parables: Stories of the Kingdom
Relatable and Authentic, Transparent, So Real
All Will Be Well
Nothing Else Occurs To Me
A Reason for Everything

Prove It Series:
Prove It! God
Prove It! Church
Prove It! Jesus
Prove It! Prayer
Prove It! You
Prove It! The Catholic Teen Bible

(Note: this books is part of a series: A Year of Reading Intention - Catholic Reading!)

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