Sunday 5 March 2017

20 Answers Miracles - Karlo Broussard - 20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers Book 18

20 Answers - Miracles 
20 Answers Series from Catholic Answers Book 18
Karlo Broussard
Catholic Answers Press
ISBN 9781683570141
eISBN 9781683570165

I need to be honest with you at the beginning of this review. I have always believed in miracles. Even when I was at my furthest from God, and the Catholic Church I believe in the miraculous! But Karlo Broussard brings the teachings and history of miracles home; home to your mind, intellectual knowledge, home to your heart, and home to your spirit by providing hope. This was the second book in the Catholic Answers 20 Answers Series that I have read and I am hooked on the series.

The chapters and topics that Karlo addresses in this book are:
1. What is a miracle?
2. Why does God work miracles?
3. Are miracles too rare to believe in?
4. Didn't the early Christians believe in miracles because they were part of a pre-scientific culture?
5. Are miracles incompatible with science?
6. Do miracles in non-Christian religions undermine the truth of Christianity?
7. Since they deal with faith and the supernatural, isn't it impossible to investigate miracles as historical events?
8. Did the fantastic miracles in the Old Testament actually happen?
9. Are the miracles of Jesus historically reliable?
10. Was Jesus' resurrection a real historical event?
11. What sort of miracles did the apostles perform?
12. What role do miracles have in the Catholic Church?
13. What have been the most famous Catholic healing miracles?
14. What is the miracle that made Fatima famous?
15. What are the miracles of Lanciano and Siena?
16. What are some examples of incorruptible saints?
17. Why doesn't God perform more miracles in order to stop evil and make more people believe in him?
18. Why should I pray for a miracle if God is unchangeable and has eternally determined what will happen?
19. How do we know God is the cause of an event we say is a miracle?
20. How should Catholics approach claims to the miraculous?

One of the key points in this book is that without miracles Christianity, and specifically Catholicism lose much if not all of its validity. Without the resurrection Christianity is a lie!  And looking at the history of miracles especially those associated with Our Lady of Fatima, which is celebrating 100 years this year, is one of the most document for the events of that day, and for all the healings since. They miracle that he speaks to that weirds me out the most is the incorruptibles. But there is so much evidence for this type of miracle that it cannot be denied except through some sort of metal contortions contrary to reason. 

This book was another inspiring read from Catholic Answers. 

One of the greatest things about this series is their briefness. Each book is short and to the point. I am sure they could be combined into a single larger volume, but with each book being between 40-60 pages they are short succinct reads. Because of their size they can be reread again and again, to help remind us of these truths, or to help it sink in when we are struggling or doubting. But also because of the 20 Questions and Answer format they can be picked up and just refresh specific points that we need to remind ourselves of, or help another understand the teaching and truth from the Church. This was an amazing book and is part of an incredible series! I highly recommend both.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2017 Catholic Reading Plan!
Note 2: Lent 2017 this is an amazing series of books is being offered at a 50% discount through the end of Lent 2017. But the challenge is to read the 20 books in the 20 Answers series over Lent. That is right you can get all 20 physical books or all 20 eBooks for just $34.95! If you want a way to go deeper this Lent give this series a try! #20AnswersChallenge

20 Answers Series:
20 Answers Abortion - Trent Horn
20 Answers Angels & Demons - Fr. Mike Driscoll
20 Answers Atheism - Matt Fradd
20 Answers Death & Judgement - Trent Horn
20 Answers Divorce & Remarriage - Jim Blackburn
20 Answers End of Life - Jason Negri
20 Answers Faith & Science - Trent Horn
20 Answers God - Trent Horn
20 Answers Islam - Andrew Blezad
20 Answers Jehovah's Witnesses - Trent Horn
20 Answers Mary - Tim Staples
20 Answers Miracles - Karlo Broussard
20 Answers Mormonism - Trent Horn
20 Answers Salvation - Jimmy Akin
20 Answers Scripture and Tradition - Jim Blackburn
20 Answers The Bible - Trent Horn
20 Answers The Eucharist - Trent Horn
20 Answers The Papacy - Jim Blackburn
20 Answers The Real Jesus - Trent Horn

20 Answers The Church - Trent Horn
20 Answers Witchcraft & the Occult - Michelle Arnold
20 Answers Apparitions & Revelations - Michael O'Neill
20 Answers Bible Prophecy - Jimmy Akin
20 Answers Homosexuality - Jim Blackburn
20 Answers The Reformation - Steve Weidenkopf
20 Answers The Sacraments - Fr. Mike Driscoll

20 Answers Bioethics - Stacy A. Trasancos
20 Answers Conversion - Shaun McAfee
20 Answers Faith and Works - Jimmy Akin
20 Answers Anti-Catholic Myths - Jimmy Akin
20 Answers The End Times - Jimmy Akin
20 Answers The Rosary - Tom Nash
20 Answers Seasons & Feasts – Michelle Arnold
20 Answers New Age -  Michelle Arnold
20 Answers Catholic Social Teaching – Mark Brumley
20 Answers Prayer – Hugh Barbour O. Praem and Sebastian Walshe O. Praem
20 Answers Faith & Reason – Christopher Kaczor
20 Answers The New Testament – Jimmy Akin
20 Answers Protestantism – Jimmy Akin
20 Answers Marriage & Sex – Todd Aglialoro
20 Answers The Early Church – Jim Blackburn
20 Answers The Old Testament – Jimmy Akin
20 Answers Judaism – Michelle Arnold
20 Answers The Sacraments – Father Mike Driscoll

Other Books from Catholic Answers:
Hard Sayings: A Catholic Approach to Answering Bible Difficulties - Trent Horn
A Daily Defense: Apologetics Lessons for Every Day - Jimmy Akin
The Apostasy That Wasn't: The Extraordinary Story of the Unbreakable Early Church - Rod Bennett
Answering Atheism - How to Make the Case for God with Logic and Charity - Trent Horn
Persuasive Pro Life: How to Talk About Our Culture's Toughest Issue - Trent Horn and Fr Frank Pavone
The Protestant's Dilemma: How the Reformation's Shocking Consequences Point to the Truth of Catholicism - Devin Rose
Behold Your Mother: A Biblical and Historical Defense of the Marian Doctrines - Tim Staples
Handed Down: The Catholic Faith of the Early Christians - James L. Papandrea
Demons, Deliverance, Discernment: Separating Fact from Fiction about the Spirit World - Fr. Mike Driscoll
Navigating the Tiber: How to Help Your Friends and Family Journey Toward the Catholic Faith - Devin Rose
100 Biblical Arguments Against Sola Scriptura - Dave Armstrong
The Drama of Salvation: How God Rescues You from Your Sins and Brings You to Eternal Life - Jimmy Akin
The Truth is Out There (Brendan and Erc in Exile Book 1 - Brother Amadeus and Amadeus
...Memorize the Reasons! Defending the Faith with the Catholic Art of Memory - Kevin Vost
Marching Orders: A Tactical Plan for Converting the World to Christ - Dan McGuire

The Fathers Know Best - Jimmy Akin
Why We're Catholic: Our Reasons for Faith, Hope, and Love - Trent Horn
The Old Evangelization: How to Spread the Faith Like Jesus Did - Eric Sammons

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