Thursday 30 March 2017

Exodus 90 at Day 30

Exodus 90 - Day 30 Check In

A 90 Day program for Christian men with a focus on Prayer, Asceticism, and Brotherhood. From Those Catholic Men. And my fraternity is now 30 days in. Here are some reflections on the first month of the program.

This program is not for the faint of heart! And it is best to do it with a group of brothers. This is my second time attempting the program. The first time the group collapsed and never finished the program. This time I am part of a remote fraternity, at the beginning there were 4 in our merry band. And we spanned from Eastern Time Zone to Pacific Time Zone. Only one member knew all of us before we began. Following the guidance in the Exodus 90 Days Manual we meet weekly over Facebook video chat. We also check in almost every day. Now at day thirty we are down to 3. 

In the program each day you get an email with that day's readings. They vary in length a fair bit. The first day of each week there is a section in the email called Action List, with some key points for focus that week. It is eerily accurate how it is for what is happening with the group. The first week is a lot of excitement. By week two thinks start to slow down a bit. Week three is the first big real struggle. And for our crew the guys realized that this will carry not only through Lent, but over Easter. 

We have had some great fraternity meetings, some good sharing and some great prayers for each other. We keep those meetings to an hour as recommended. And once because of illness we shifted it. 

The program has changed a lot in the 10 months since I first tried to do it. The books have been completely redone, and are now available in print and pdf formats. (Would still love to see either epub or mobi formats of the eBooks). There is also now an exercise guide created by Mike Short, from Intentional Encounter, who worked through the program early on. There are workouts for every day of the program, starting off with simple body weight exercises for time, and in the first 30 days progressing to include AMRAP: As Many Rounds As Possible. Each day you have set exercises and stretches, and every 3rd day is Active rest. This first month we have 5 Exercises and 5 Stretches and a few more will be introduced over the next few weeks. 

The exercises in the first month include:
Hand Raise Push Ups
Airt Squats
Sit Ups / Crunches
Lunge Steps 
Jumping Jacks

The stretches are:
Tricep Stretch
Samson Stretch
Seated Hamstring Stretch
Pass Through with Broom handle
Inch Worm Stretch

Overall things are going well. Could use a little more discipline but that is what this time is for.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2017 Catholic Reading Plan!

Exodus 90 Articles:
Exodus 90 My Commitment
Exodus 90 My Commitment - Take 2
Exodus 90 at Day 30
Exercise Update
Exodus 90 at Day 60
Exodus 90 at Day 90
What's Next After Exodus 90

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